Your baby will decide when to be born

baby expenses

There are medical cases in which there is no choice but to advance the delivery or perform an emergency cesarean section because it is imperative that the baby is born for the safety of the baby or that of the mother. But in pregnancies where there are no medical complications of any kind, it is important to let the baby himself decide when to get to the world.

You will know when you are ready and the last days in the womb are essential for your final development before birth.

Ideally, the duck should be triggered naturally and it is the baby who decides when to be born. Different biological factors synchronized between the mother and the baby are what originate the birth. The baby sends endocrine signals to the placenta and the mother begins to secrete oxytocin to trigger the contractions that lead to birth. It is a magical coordination and without a doubt, the most beautiful in life.

A full-term birth is considered when the baby is born between weeks 37 and 42, but between one week and another there is no less than 5 weeks of difference. They are 35 days of gestation where the baby takes advantage of every second for its development, so between those weeks It should be the baby who decides how long the gestation period has come to an end.

Induced labor is strongly discouraged before the 39/40 week of pregnancy, unless it is due to medical complications. Normally a baby is born in week 40 of pregnancy, although this is not always the case, it depends on the child, it can even be extended until week 42. On the other hand, when the 42 week of pregnancy is exceeded, there may be a risk to the health of mother and baby, so induction can be assessed in these cases.

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