If you are pregnant, do not feel guilty about these 9 things

Guilt is quite common in a pregnant woman, she feels guilty about many things, including her own appearance (because it is not the same as the pretty pregnant women that appear in magazines ...). There are even pregnant women who feel guilty because they don't know if they are taking care of themselves as well as they should.

But the time has come to put an end to that unnecessary anxiety that many pregnant women feel from the moment they see that the pregnancy test came back positive. Next we are going to explain some things that you should start to stop feeling guilty about right now.

Things you should NOT feel guilty about if you are pregnant

Being a killjoy

From the moment a woman becomes pregnant, fatigue becomes a regular part of her life. You may not want to be the killjoy for wanting to go home at 9.00:XNUMX pm, but you are bringing new life into this world and it is not as easy as it seems on the outside. It is tiring and tiring. Don't feel bad about leaving in the middle of social events so you can get some sleep. It will be years before you can sleep well again, so enjoy your hours of sleep and rest.

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Eat junk food

Okay, it's not the healthiest food in the world, and if you're trying to eat a healthy diet for you and your baby, you need to set limits. But don't feel like a horrible mother because you had a chocolate muffin after lunch. Enjoy some indulgence and stop feeling guilty about eating things you like from time to time.

Lose your nerves

When there is another human being that is forming inside you, it is normal that you have hormones to the surface. This can cause you to inadvertently lose your temper on occasion or make you feel a little more agile than usual in some conversations ... Do not feel bad about it. If you feel anger, do not cover it up, just look for ways to express it without having to start a pitched war.

Do not exercise

The doctor tells you, that you have to walk at least 30 minutes a day, he also tells you that exercise in moderation is a good idea for you. In fact, your health is as important to you as it is to the baby growing in your womb. If your doctor has given you the go-ahead to exercise but you haven't found the time to do so, don't worry or feel bad about it.

traveling while pregnant

Many women feel too tired to exercise, especially if in addition to being pregnant you work and have more children. Don't feel bad about not exercising. If you can go for a half hour walk a day and if you can't do it every day, don't be frustrated by it either!

You don't have a perfect belly

The media shows mothers with perfect pregnancy bellies and you may feel bad when you look in the mirror and see that your belly is not so pretty and that it also has stretch marks. Is your belly really not perfect? That's what they make you believe! But yes, it is perfect. It is perfect because it is forming life inside, It is perfect because it is your pregnant belly and also, it does not have photoshop.

Remember that there is no pregnancy or a perfect belly, each woman is a different world and each belly is too.

Wanting to know the sex of the baby on the way

We all say that the sex of the baby does not matter, what matters is that the little one arrives in this world healthy. And ultimately, yes, this is what really matters. But being curious to know the sex of the baby and being anxious to start preparing things for its birth knowing if it is going to be a girl or a boy, there is nothing wrong. No one is going to doubt the love you feel for your baby just to want to know if it is going to be a boy or a girl.

traveling while pregnant

Hating pregnancy

Pregnancy is not all cotton candy clouds. Loving your child unconditionally does not mean that you should enjoy every moment of pregnancy. There are many women who hate pregnancy for all that it involves, both in physical and emotional changes as well as the pain and discomfort that can be felt.

Perhaps you are one of the pregnant women who vomit every morning, or your body has changed more than necessary or you are not able to hold the pee for more than two minutes. No, it is not pleasant. No matter the reason, you should allow yourself without feeling guilty that you don't love pregnancy. All pregnant women at some point would like to hit the fast forward button and get to the moment when the baby is already in your arms for the first time.

Feeling irritated by advice you haven't asked for

Never feel guilty about being irritated by the amount of advice you are going to receive without asking for it. Others do it with all their good intentions, because they feel compelled to give you their best advice for being pregnant. Some may be helpful and some will not be at all. But one thing is clear: don't feel guilty for not wanting to listen to all the advice they want to give you.

Want a new body

We do not mean wanting a fit body, but wanting a new, free body. To want the freedom to be able to sleep on your stomach, to be able to bend over to put your shoes on, to put on a coat without looking like you are a tent. Your body is yours and when you are pregnant it seems that it disappears and that it will never be the same again. Don't feel bad about counting the days when you can put your socks back on without help. to sleep in the position you want and to be able to put on your favorite pants again. There is nothing wrong with this!

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