World Down Syndrome Day How do we deal with it?

World Down Syndrome Day

Although we have all heard of the síndrome de Down It almost always seems distant to us, which only happens to older couples or couples with a history. The truth is that it is not necessary to have a history or be too old and when a couple receives the news that their child is a carrier of this syndrome, the world falls on them.

What is Down syndrome

The human being has a genetic endowment of 46 chromosomes, organized in pairs, in their cells. These chromosomes are what determine the characteristics of that human being: eye color, height ... And also hereditary diseases. When a baby appears that has 47 chromosomes, with 3 chromosomes instead of 2 in the By 21 appears Síndrome de Down, this determines that the baby has a variable degree of mental disability, some physical features characteristic and some pathologies associated, mainly problems and malformations cardiac. Psychologically, patients with this syndrome are usually happyobedient loving, they can have musical sense and they do not tend to have violent behaviors.

prenatal diagnosis

Prenatal diagnosis

During the realization of the first ultrasound, in week 12, they will perform a blood extraction, in which they will determine the two hormones and combining its values ​​with the data of ultrasound and mother's age what is known as triple screening. This determination will give us the statistical risk that our child has Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome. At present we also have the test that they detect Fetal DNA en maternal blood. If these tests suggest that there is a risk, they will carry out a "Invasive test" and amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy.

In rural areas of India, families in charge of a blind minor frequently isolate and deprive him/her of the care and attention they provide to their other children; such situation becomes even more severe among lower-caste families, orphans and if the blind child is a girl. successive ultrasounds that are carried out systematically during pregnancy can also appear signs on the baby they do suspect to the specialist that you may be dealing with a child with one of these syndromes.


The appearance of a baby with Down syndrome is a fortuitous event, which can appear whatever the age of the mother. Even so, it is shown that the risk of Down syndrome, indeed, increases with the mother's age, especially from 40 years. Have a family history does not predispose to suffer it again, but must be had always in mind.

How to deal with it.

When you get to definitive diagnosis the couple has been on a journey of visiting specialists quite long and harrowing, although the tests are performed without delay you have to wait for the right moment to carry them out and then wait for the definitive results, so when they finally get news they have passed days of anxiety y mixed feelings. This is not the time to rush, you have to think very well about Options that are offered to us and decide knowing the future that specialists predict for that baby.

The feelings that appear in the couple are very intense. It is normal to feel disoriented and dazed, have mixed feelings of sadness, love, tenderness, frustration, hopelessness, guilt, sadness and anger etc and not being able to creer what they have just communicated to us. We often think of possible causes and even feel guilty for something that we believe, did or did not do and it is also possible to feel angry with ourselves by the way we're receiving and facing the news. It is normal and it is important that the couple allow themselves to feel all this, it is important express it freely, Allowing yourself to vent is a good way to start cope with the situation.

Possibilities for the future

When the diagnosis is done in a way prenatal the couple can decide carry on with the pregnancy or terminate it. Both decisions are very difficult and sometimes, later, you will wonder if you took the proper decision. When the diagnosis is made when the child is is born or the couple decides go ahead with pregnancy, it is important contact with the different associations de fathers and mothers of children with Down syndrome. They already they have lived the path that you start to walk and they can tell you their experiences and their way of living it, facing it and overcoming it, in addition to guide you about the helps or needs of your child. It is also important have the help of a psychologist to help you see your reactions for what they are, the normal reaction when a disease like this appears in our life. And as important as all this is your family, prepare siblings, grandparents, uncles ... They will also have feelings found and even culpability, it is important that they understand what to have a baby with Down syndrome, and on many occasions their help will be essential for you.

Little by little all the pieces they will fit, it is true that a child with Down syndrome needs a lot of work around him: early stimulation, physical therapy or speech therapy, but he is a wonderful boy and in Little time you cannot imagine life without his presence.

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