Having a child is one wonderful experience that, generally, take a turn total to our life. Although we all know about difficulties To reconcile work and family life, it is not until we have our baby and we must start working when we are aware of the difficulties that we will be forced to circumvent.
On many occasions, difficulties appear from the moment we become pregnant, sometimes it is the reason for conflicts at work, not only on the part of the company or our boss, but also on the part of our colleagues, who are not willing to facilitate us certain tasks ... At other times, when our baby gets sick, it is quite a logistics challenge ¿Who can be missing to work because your child has a fever or gastroenteritis? ¿What do we do with the poor little boy? Well in the mayoria of the cases trust that the grandparents They will have no problem taking care of our baby, because we will not find many more ways to solve the problem. Although really It is not necessary that the baby is sick, it is enough that the different periods of school holidays so that we start to tremble ...
Spanish legislation, for now, goes to the queue regarding laws of parenting protectionAlthough in recent years there have been some timid advances, which on many occasions we do not even know about.
Today on the part of Social Security, we have the right to different benefits and paid leave that will be the "minimum" that will be offered to us, that is, some can be improved by our labor agreement. Below I explain some of these benefits.
Benefits to request in the Social Security
- Risk during pregnancy and / or breastfeeding
It can be requested when our work involves a risk for pregnancy or breastfeeding and the job change of work or activity by another compatible and that does not suppose any risk. In this case, the employment contract is suspended and the benefit is requested.
Try to give protection during pregnancy or breastfeeding (in this case until the baby is 9 months old).
The economic benefit consists of a subsidy equivalent to 100% of the corresponding regulatory base. - Maternity
Economic benefits for maternity ensure income during maternity, adoption and foster care periods.
It can be requested in the cases of:
La biological motherhood, when the pregnancy has lasted more than 180 days.
La adoption
Guardian delegation for the pre-adoptive coexistence
Placement familiar temporary
Placement familiar permanent bases
The duration of this benefit is 16 weeks (in the case of multiple births, two weeks more for each “extra” child). In the case of biological motherhood, the mother must enjoy obligatorily 6 weeks later at delivery, the other 10 weeks can be enjoyed during pregnancy, before giving birth or you can cede to the father, in case she has to go back to her job earlier for any reason. - Parenthood
The father has the right to 13 calendar days uninterrupted, expandable in 2 more days for each child to from the second.
When the new birth occurs in a large family or if in the family there is previously a person with disability (to a degree equal to or greater than 33%) the rest will be 20 calendar days uninterrupted.
As in the case of the mother, the assumptions to be able to request this benefit are:
El nacimiento of a son.
La adoption
State guard for the preadoptive coexistence.
Placement familiar temporary.
Placement familiar permanent. - Breastfeeding leave
Consists in 1 hour of absence of work per day, which can be divided into two half hours or you can choose to accumulate it in full days (This last option when provided for in the collective agreement or the company agrees). The permit can be enjoy until the minor meets 9 months and whether it is natural lactation as if it is artificial lactation. But if you want the absence to be at beginning or end of the day is understood as a reduction in working hours, and it will only be taken half an hour (unless your labor agreement improves it).
Like the previous permits also can be enjoyed in cases of adoption or foster care both pre-adoptive and permanent or temporary. The father also you can request el breastfeeding permission, but only may be exercised by one of the parents in case they both work.
The company can't force you to enjoy breastfeeding leave at the time that suits them best, is the worker or worker who should decide the way prefer to enjoy of the permit within your day. It is important that you keep in mind that you must advance notice to the company with an advance of fifteen days indicating the date on which you will start and end the breastfeeding leave.
You have all the information here
Aid to request at the ranch
- Maternity deduction
The Personal Income Tax (IRPF) law regulates the maternity deduction for children under 3 years Up to € 1.200 per year For each child born or adopted in Spanish territory, you can receive € 100 per month (advance payment) or that the reduction of the € 1200 is made in your statement of income. - Deduction for a large family, for an ascendant with two children or for dependent persons with disabilities
It is a deduction in the differential fee, from the declaration of IRPF of the previous year. You can also request the advance payment, that is to say that the corresponding fee is divided and paid in monthly form.
You have more information here
All these aids are they are a little short, as you see in a paid way and that they do not suppose an important economic loss they don't go much beyond the baby's birthday nine months, from that moment all the options go through requesting reductions day or leave of absence of our job. Result paradoxical that while the WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months, in Spain we still do not count even with 4 months of maternity leave ... There are still few companies that have (for example) day care centers own or close subsidized for their employees and employees or that allow work from home to allow conciliation in cases of parenting or even more flexible schedules, that facilitate us to "accumulate hours" to be able to enter or leave other days at times that allow us not need third parties to take care of our children.
It must be said that we meet small advances at the regional level, there are some Autonomous Communities, such as Extremadura, that are already studying to implement "A new family conciliation plan" flexibilization of schedules and others such as the Community of Madrid tries to launch the "Family Support Strategy". Hopefully soon they materialize in something more than good and interesting expectations ...
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