During pregnancy there are many changes in the woman's body, necessary for the pregnancy itself to occur. Vaginal discharge undergoes various changes Throughout the entire pregnancy, for example, it is very common that towards the beginning of pregnancy the flow is much more abundant than usual.
This increase and others changes in vaginal discharge, is caused by hormonal changes and it is something that is considered normal during pregnancy. It is a whitish substance with a mucous appearance, it has no odor and can be compared to the rennet of milk. This type of flow in pregnancy is considered normal, however, you should be alert to any changes that could be indicating a complication.
Warning signs of changes in vaginal discharge
Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if the increased flow is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- If the flow is very liquid. The normal thing is that it is whitish and with consistency
- In case you have fever
- If the flow gives off a unpleasant odor or if it has a greenish color or yellowish
These signs are usually a symptom of a fungal infection or by bacteria and it is very important that the doctor give you a treatment suitable as soon as possible. Otherwise, the continuity of the pregnancy or the health of your baby could be compromised, in addition to your own.
How should your hygiene be in the face of changes in the flow
The increased flow can be uncomfortable, as the amount can be quite high and wet your underwear quite frequently. It is very important that in this case, extreme hygiene in your intimate areaOtherwise, humidity could be a source of infections and the proliferation of fungi and other bacteria.
This is how you should take care of your intimate hygiene During pregnancy:
- Use underwear made of natural materials like cotton, avoid synthetic fibers
- Demand keep the vaginal area always very dry. If necessary, change your underwear times a day to avoid moisture
- Use protectors for underwear, change them frequently to avoid infection
- It is essential that you exercise extreme vaginal hygiene, wash several times a day and use a specific neutral soap for the intimate area