When the sex of the baby is known

When the sex of the baby is known

Finding out the sex of the baby during pregnancy is one of the most exciting moments. There are fathers or mothers who expect to meet him on the day of his birth, worse for those of us who like to meet him, we offer you when the sex of the baby is known and what methods doctors use to find out.

The most effective and revolutionary system has always been via ultrasound. From the week 20 of pregnancy there is already a high probability that the baby will have well-formed genitalia. However, there are other curious methods and through a few small tests that we analyze later.

From what week can we know the sex of the baby?

Today and due to various tests that can be done during pregnancy, it is possible to anticipate and find out the sex of the baby. From the 9th week of gestation, the sex of the baby or its lump will develop into a penis in boys and a vulva in girls.

An ultrasound has always been the most decisive wayIn addition to not being invasive. This test is a way of viewing an image that is easy for doctors to view. many doctors at 11 weeks they can already see some features, but they are not entirely reliable, unless it is fully clarified in the image.

Starting from week 14 to 15 You can already see her sex, as long as her posture allows it, where she doesn't cross her legs and doesn't have her back to the ultrasound machine. definitely in week 20 This is when the sex of the baby can be confirmed with much more certainty.

When the sex of the baby is known

at week 20 It is when this type of ultrasound is definitely done to determine possible irregularities in the baby's growth, to analyze his movements, his movements, his sex, how his amniotic fluid is, how his organs are and especially his heart.

Ultrasound is one of the most widely used methods, but for some circumstances there may be moments that are not easy to visualize. As has happened in some cases, there has been a time when the male genitalia have been confused by overlapping the umbilical cord or placing a hand in front of it. At other times the genitals may not have fully developed.

Other methods to find out the sex of the baby

  • Blood Tests. From the eighth week you can do a sample of the mother's blood for testing. A study of the chromosomes can be done and it can be determined if it contains the Y chromosome, which will determine if the baby is a boy. If this type of chromosome does not exist, the chances are that she will be a woman.
  • By amniocentesis. This type of test is usually very special and is usually done to some mothers to study if there is a chromosomal abnormality during pregnancy. It is an invasive sample, since the amniotic fluid with fetal cells is extracted. It is done to find out if there is Down, Edwards or Turner syndrome and also to define the sex of the baby.

When the sex of the baby is known

  • There a urine test that can be bought in pharmacies and for what can be done at home. It usually gives some data, but it is not 100% reliable and it can fail, especially when a hormone is being taken or in the event that there is more than one baby during gestation.
  • By the position of the placenta. Is Ramzi Method, a discovery made by a gynecologist where analyzing the position of the placenta relative to the fetus, you can find out the sex of the baby, even on your first ultrasound. It is a method that is reliable about 98%.
  • Another method is la chinese table. Has a chance of success about 93% and is based on the Chinese calendar. It is used in women with a age between 18 and 45 years. Simply match the woman's age to the month of conception to get the answer.

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