When expecting a child from the first moment you want to be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. It is one of the clearest signs that the child that grows inside is healthy, strong, that everything goes on. Because it is very normal to have all kinds of doubts and fears at the beginning of pregnancy.
Doubts that are resolved as the weeks go by and the obvious symptoms that the baby is there appear. Because no matter how positive the pregnancy test is, no matter how much the doctor confirms with urine tests that it is there, until you see it in the first ultrasound or until you hear the baby's heartbeat, you can't be completely calm.
The baby's heartbeat, when is it heard?
Science advances so much that today it is possible to acquire a home device with which to listen to the baby's heartbeat without having to go to the gynecologist's office. Nevertheless, it is usual to wait for medical appointments for pregnancy control to have the ultrasounds and the pertinent tests. Especially since it is the specialist who will be able to analyze the results and confirm that everything is going normally.
In fact, doctors can detect the baby's heartbeat from practically the sixth week of pregnancy, because through ultrasound they observe the movements of the heart. But in order to really hear the baby's heartbeat, you will have to wait a little longer, since it usually happens between weeks eight or 10 of pregnancy. For this it is used a device that amplifies sounds, better known as Doppler.
Being able to listen and control the frequency of the fetus's heartbeat is essential for doctors to verify that development is normal and, failing that, to plan and try to correct the problem in the best possible way. Thanks to all the pregnancy tests and controls, every day there are fewer surprises in childbirth and congenital defects and heart disease are present from the same pregnancy.