When to do the pregnancy test

The home pregnancy test, the one you can buy at the pharmacy, is the fastest way to know if you are pregnant. However, it is important to choose well the most opportune moment to carry out this test. Otherwise, the results may be completely clear and you will need to retest a few days later. So if you think you may be pregnant and don't know when to get tested, here are some tips that can help you.

The best time to take the pregnancy test

The absence of the rule is the clearest sign that there may be a pregnancy, but there are other symptoms of pregnancy in the first days very obvious that can be noticed practically from day one. Especially if you are looking to get pregnant, at the first delay you will be wanting to take a pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions. This type of test is usually completely reliable, yes, as long as you perform the test correctly.

  • Choose the best moment: although most of this type of test indicates that you can take the test at any time, it is best to do it with the first urine of the day. This is the one with the highest concentration of the pregnancy hormone, so the result will be much more reliable.
  • From 15 days after fertilization: The pregnancy hormone begins to be produced from the sixth day of fertilization. However, in most cases not detected for 15 days from this moment.

Therefore, it is not recommended to perform the pregnancy test immediately. That is, if you are looking for pregnancy and have sex on your fertile days, you may have temptation to get tested a few days later. Most likely, in this case the test is negative, since your body has not yet begun to produce the hormone recognized by the pregnancy test. Wait at least until the first fault of the rule arrives, and then the test result will be practically one hundred percent reliable.

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