During pregnancy there are different moments that make it more and more special. The first of all is the positive in the test of pregnancy, with it all the dreams, plans and illusions begin that will grow as the pregnancy progresses. Little by little, unforgettable moments will take place, such as the first ultrasound, listening to the future baby's heartbeat and of course, the baby's kicks.
Beginning to feel the baby's movements is a fundamental milestone for the couple expecting a baby. For the mother it is something different, because she feels it within herself and with it she feels an indescribable emotion. Thus it is very important to involve the other parent, let him place his hands on his belly and find a way that he can also feel those little kicks of the baby.
The baby's kicks
For pregnant women, the movements of the baby begin to be felt around week 18, although it may be different for each woman. Some notice it earlier, especially mothers who are not new because they have an easier time detecting movements. Others, on the other hand, begin to feel the baby much later, but it is only a perception that begins as small cramps and is not always easy to detect.
As for the father, so that he can notice the baby's kicks or movements, it is necessary to wait a little longer. Until the fetus is taking size it is somewhat more complex to feel the movements, because they are not appreciated in the belly through the placenta. Generally it is something that can happen between week 18 and 32, although it is usual for this to occur towards the middle of the pregnancy. When the belly is already very evident and the size of the baby means that its movements are perceived through it.
It is a very special moment, which causes a lot of emotion and helps the parents and the rest of the people who experience pregnancy from the background. Therefore, try to involve the father, let him touch your belly when you feel the baby move and thus you can share new sensations as a couple.