If you have never had a pregnancy test, you are probably wondering when is the best time to take a pregnancy test to avoid false results.
The home pregnancy tests they are the most used method to detect a pregnancy within a few weeks. That is why millions of women around the world turn to these tests first and then, if they test positive, make an appointment with their doctor.
The date and pregnancy
The home pregnancy test is the most effective method to detect a pregnancy in a homemade way. It is a method that measures the presence of the pregnancy hormone, called chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This hormone that rises when a woman becomes pregnant, reaching a specific parameter that allows to account for the state.
The good thing about these tests is that they allow detecting the presence of the hormone very early.If until a few years ago you had to wait several weeks to find out if a woman was pregnant, today pregnancy tests have become very effective and detect the hormone right away. ¿When is the best time to take the pregnancy test?
It will depend on the pregnancy test, there are tests that allow the detection of chorionic gonodatropin just a couple of weeks after fertilization. Others require a few more weeks. The ideal, however, is take the pregnancy test a few days after a period delay occurs.
Hormones and results
The big question then is what is the best date to do the pregnancy test if the market offers tests that ensure results within a few weeks. While these tests are reliable, to avoid false results In pregnancy tests it is best to wait for the moment when, in case of pregnancy, the hormones have reached the minimum level of detection. Something that happens once a late period is detected. This happens precisely because there is a hormonal alteration that modifies the entire reproductive system. The absence of the period is a great indicator.
While there are some exceptions, choose the best time to do the pregnancy test, the ideal is to reduce anxiety and wait at least a month after conception. This will give you a margin of security that the result is reliable.
It must be taken into account that the HCG hormone begins to be produced from the ninth day after conception. Then it increases significantly in the following weeks. If he pregnancy test done too early, the hormone may not be detected yet. Especially if we talk about women with irregular cycles who do not know the exact ovulation date.
Pregnancy test and analysis
Beyond the ideal time to perform the pregnancy testYou should know that pregnancy tests are quite accurate. It is rare that positive results are false, although the opposite can happen. A negative test can be positive due to a low level of the hormone that is later noticed in a blood test.
In case of a negative result, it is possible to repeat the test after a few days in case it is a positive pregnancy but with a too low hormonal level that was not detected in the first test. Another option is to perform a laboratory analysis through which the presence of the HCG hormone is detected more accurately. This is done by testing the first urine in the morning, or by taking a blood test.
Even if the pregnancy test is positive, it is always important to perform a blood test to detect the hormonal level of HCG because there are cases in which although the test is positive the hormonal level is very low and it is anembryonic pregnancies, that is to say, pregnancies in which the sac has formed but there is no embryo, something quite common. Sometimes, when the pregnancy test is performed, the positive is indicated by the two pink stripes of a much softer tone, barely visible at times.