In early pregnancy it is not difficult to sleep because the body does not change physically until a few months have passed since the beginning of pregnancy. When a pregnant woman has a bigger belly because her baby is quite developed, that is when it may cost her a lot more to sleep than before having a bigger belly.
Normally, there are some fairly common questions that all pregnant women usually have during the last two months of pregnancy, which is when it is most difficult to sleep because of the belly and the movements of the baby. Today I want to talk to you about the safest position to sleep while pregnant.
Never face up
The safest position is sometimes not the most comfortable for you. In this sense, you should know that you should not sleep on your back, especially during the second half of pregnancy. This is because the inferior vena cava (the large vein that returns blood from the lower part of your body to your heart) can be compressed by the uterus something that can make you feel sweaty, nauseous, dizzy and may even lack blood to your baby.
Better on the left side
Many doctors recommend sleeping on the left side because it helps blood flow more easily. If you are not used to it, it may cost you a bit at first.
To promote safe sleep
If you really want to sleep comfortably and safely, the best thing you can do is put a pillow between your legs and use another to support your belly while you lie on your left side. You can also put another pillow on your lower back so you don't sleep uncomfortably.
What's your best sleeping position while pregnant? Did you have problems sleeping in the position you liked the most and had to change to a different one? Tell us about your experience!