What is a mucous plug?

end of pregnancy

Everyone talks about mucous plug, but do we really know what it is and what it is for? We will try to clarify the doubts.

What is a mucous plug and what is it for?

It is a mucus that the cells of the cervix secrete. It serves for protect inside the uterus by creating a separation barrier between the inside of the uterine cavity and the vagina. In the vagina there are a large number of fungi and bacteria, most of them are beneficial and necessary for our health, but it is also the gateway to other germs that can be dangerous.

How is it formed?

It is formed in first weeks of pregnancy. Among its components are immunoglobulins, which are substances that the body generates to defend itself and different chemical substances, that is, it is a barrier physical-chemical and immune, for this reason it is very important that they stay in good condition During pregnancy.

How and when is it expelled?

The expulsion of the mucous plug is something irregular. Normally at the end of pregnancy we have an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions, the cervix becomes more soft, It can shorten and it can cause it to be expelled plug part, in this case the appearance is of a mucus transparent and abundant, that we can lose without realizing it or simply see a dense, transparent and difficult to clean flow. It can also be expelled at the beginning of labor, when the contractions are already more intense and the cervix dilates, in that case it can be transparent or have a certain brownish tone, similar to the staining of the last days of menstruation, although No. it must be so abundant nor present active bleeding.

Does it indicate that delivery is approaching?

Indicates that the end of pregnancy, But No. you have to start labor imminently, maybe yes, although the most common is that several days pass until labor starts.

What do I do if I expel it?

 Depends. If you do not have contractions, the baby moves, you do not break the bag or have any alarm symptoms, the expulsion of the mucous plug in itself is not a cause for alarm, as long as we talk about term pregnancy. If it is expelled in a way early, precocious, premature (before week 36) or have a strange coloring or you have hemorrhage or any strange symptoms you should consult with specialists.

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      Macarena said

    I suspect that the expulsion of the mucous plug is one of the issues that brings most headaches to pregnant women who are already in their third trimester; we really know little about him. Surely this contribution helps to clear up many doubts.

    A greeting.

         Nati garcia said

      I hope so Macarena. Thanks!!!