When a woman communicates to others that she is pregnant, one of the most frequently asked questions is the one that refers to the time you have been pregnant. Gestational age is key when answering this question. Gestational age indicates the time that a pregnant woman has been, which is usually known thanks to the time that elapses from the first day she had the last menstruation to the current moment of the pregnancy itself.
Gestational age usually has a medium duration about 40 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period. Thanks to gestational age, professionals can get to know an approximate date when the woman will give birth to the baby.
How to calculate gestational age in pregnancy
Gestational age is always calculated in weeks And there are a series of rules when determining the gestation period of a pregnant woman:
- The first rule is Naegele's and It consists of adding a week to the first day of the last rule and subtracting three months.
- Wahl's rule is to add ten days to the first day since the last rule and subtract three months.
- The last rule is Pinard's and consists of adding ten days at the end of menstruation and then subtracting three months.
It may happen that the woman does not know the date on which she had the last period. In these cases, the gestational age is calculated thanks to the different ultrasound of the baby and taking a series of measurements such as the perimeter of the skull, the abdomen or the length of the femur.
What is used to calculate gestational age
There are two tools used when calculating gestational age:
- The gestiogram is the most used by professionals and bases its estimates on the Naegele rule. It is a rotating disk that marks the week of pregnancy in which the pregnant woman is.
- Obstetric tape is used to measure uterine height in pregnancy. With this tape it is possible to calculate the gestation week in which a pregnant woman is.
Is it important to know the gestational age?
There are many women who wonder if it is really important to know the gestational age or if on the contrary nothing happens for not knowing it.
Gestational age is important because thanks to it, the pregnant woman can know at all times how the entire gestation process is developing and if the baby is within the parameters of normality or in case something does not go well.
It must be remembered that a pregnancy considered normal can last from 38 to 42 weeks. In the event that the baby is born before week 37, it is usually considered premature. If, on the other hand, the baby takes a little longer to be born and does so after week 42, it is considered postmature. Hence the importance of knowing the gestational age of the mother.
Gynecologists consider it essential since thanks to knowing it, they can advance the delivery if they see it opportune and avoid future problems when giving birth to the child. They can also wait as long as possible, after week 42 to induce labor.
In short, knowing the gestational age in a pregnancy is much more important than it may seem at first. If the pregnancy is going well and within normal limits, there is no problem. However, there are cases in which pregnancy can become complicated and thanks to gestational age, professionals can make the best possible decision so that the baby reaches this world in the best possible way. If you therefore become pregnant, you must always keep in mind the date on which you had your last period.