What if you have low lymphocytes in pregnancy?


When one plans a pregnancy, the best thing to do is just that, to plan everything to the extent that it can be planned. I'm basically talking about making us Lab tests to know how we are in health. And one of those tests is that of lymphocytes.

It's not like there's a single normal number when it comes to lymphocytes and pregnancy, because generally the number of lymphocytes varies greatly between a pregnant person and a non-pregnant adult. And it even varies even more as the pregnancy progresses. So, we can begin to answer today's question, what happens if you have low lymphocytes in pregnancy?



Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cells that are part of our great immune system. These are cells that work together with others to fight infections. The antibodies generated by lymphocytes help our body fight viruses, bacteria and other cells that could turn into tumors, for example.

lymphocytes are produced within the bone marrow. When the human being is inside the maternal womb, they are produced as undifferentiated cells of the liver, under the mother's heart, and all combative action of the immune system will depend on them. But what range of lymphocytes is normal to have in the blood?

The range it is important because it translates into how our body is prepared or not to defend itself. normal range varies according to the presence or absence of pregnancy, and also throughout the nine months of pregnancy. But, what happens if you have low lymphocytes in pregnancy?

pregnant women

First you should know that the decrease in lymphocytes is absolutely normal due precisely to pregnancy, it is part of the normal process of how the body deals with that pregnancy. That is, when there is conception and the embryo is waiting to be implanted in the uterus, the body must make its adjustments to allow this to happen without any damage to our body.

Think that an embryo is like an alien inside the womb, a foreign agent that our immune system can actually reject. So, as nature is wise, our immune system responds by lowering the lymphocyte count y allowing the embryo to implant successfully and continue to develop into the fetal stage.

But, even when the immune system lowers the number of lymphocytes at this important stage, the body continues to take care of the mother, so what happens is that other entities are activated, the neutrophils, which temporarily take over the lymphocytes. duties to protect the body from external attacks.

Blood lymphocytes below normal

Low lymphocytes in pregnancy

Low blood lymphocytes tend to stay in a range, but If the tests reveal that the levels are below normal when you are pregnant, then you have to think about other possible causes.. For example: uterine

  • Rhesus Conflict: Occurs between mother and baby and may be the cause of low lymphocytes.
  • Tissue incompatibility between mother and child or allergic reactions.
  • An infection, for example HIV.
  • A chronic condition like gastritis or inflammation of the bladder.
  • Mineral and vitamin deficiency that causes the body to be malnourished.
  • Obesity, drugs and alcohol.

Now we know what it is when the blood test shows us "low lymphocytes" abnormally, but Are there any consequences or complications in the pregnancy when this happens?

The truth is that our body is wonderful and most of the time it can take stock on its own to adapt to these external or internal changes and continue to function normally. While the drop in lymphocytes is matched by a rise in neutrophils and other entities to protect the body, the result is not always successful so yes there may be some consequences.

For example, the mother may be weak, this weakness can make the body extra sensitive and vulnerable to external changes such as temperature fluctuations, atmospheric changes, air pollution, etc.; or going further, because the immune shield is not as strong, any single microbe can cause an infection.

tiredness in pregnancy

OK, we are pregnant, we do a laboratory test and it tells us that the lymphocytes are low, too low. We already know what can happen so the next and last question is, Can we prevent these negative consequences?

The truth is that there is nothing that prevents our lymphocytes from going down if we are pregnant. is the condition sine qua non for the gestation of a baby but, at the time of pregnancy search, it is best to go to the doctor and that the couple get checked out to see whether or not there is any disease or condition going around.

Probably something can be done adjustment in diet or medications, take supplements, make lifestyle adjustmentsHow not to go to places with crowds and stuff. As long as you know, you can take precautions. And of course, during the pregnancy itself we can always do some things to improve our immune system:

  • follow a diet rich in cereals, vegetables, fruits and lean meat.
  • take a specific supplement for the immune system, always under medical supervision.

The important thing, women and parents, is to know that the loss of lymphocytes in pregnancy is not only normal but also necessary for the gestation process itself. Pregnancy will bring many changes to the body and since you want your child to develop well, it is best to be aware and act accordingly. Calm and fearless.

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