Although for many women it is imperceptible, during the first weeks, even in the first days, is when they begin to show the first symptoms of pregnancy. The first trimester is undoubtedly the most intense, it is where the body undergoes most of the changes and where the first features of pregnancy begin to be noticed.
During the first month it is possible to notice changes that make you think that the pregnancy is there. However, you should not obsess over it as for many women weeks can go by without noticing anything different. That does not mean that something is wrong, it is only about perceiving sensations that for some women are very noticeable but for others, they are not.
Pregnancy symptoms in the first month
If you think you may be pregnant and you recognize any of the following symptoms, see your doctor for a test as soon as possible. It is essential to follow strict medical control throughout the pregnancy, so that it can be verify that its development proceeds normally. These are the most common pregnancy symptoms during the first weeks of gestation.
Tender breasts
The chest is one of the first parts of the female body that begins to change as soon as fertilization occurs. From the first moment, the breasts are prepared to feed the baby, so they increase in size and become much more sensitive. This symptom is often confused with the typical features of menstrual pain, as the breasts also become more sensitive during this period.
Stomach discomfort
Nausea also usually makes an appearance during the first weeks of gestation. In many cases they will be accompanied by vomitingespecially in the morning. Although many women go through their entire pregnancy without vomiting, stomach upset and nausea are often very common. Vomiting usually disappears with the arrival of the second trimester, although many women experience it throughout their pregnancy without anything abnormal happening.
The fatigue
Something that is also very typical during the first weeks of pregnancy, you can feel extremely tired, without energy and constantly sleepy. This unusual tiredness it is due to recent activity that occurs inside the body of the woman. Making room for a new life, helping this new being to develop and feed itself so that it can grow, is really exhausting for the expectant mother, even if one does not know what is happening inside her.
Rejection for some smells and tastes
The hormonal change produces alterations in other senses, such as smell. Pregnant women often develop a very sensitive sense of smell, getting to perceive certain odors with an unusual intensity. The same happens with some foods, especially those that give off strong odors. This is one of the symptoms of pregnancy that can be detected earlier, since it is a major change.
Premenstrual pain
Those first complaints during the first month of pregnancy can easily be confused with premenstrual symptoms. During the first weeks of gestation, it is very common to feel certain discomfort in the lower abdomen, a mild pain similar to the typical discomfort of menstruation.
Sudden rejection of products that are not recommended during pregnancy
The human body is really wise, if you listen to it well and take into account the signals it sends you, you will notice how it is your own body which warns you that you should not take certain things. During pregnancy, many women feel a sudden rejection of certain products, such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or some foods that can be harmful to the baby.
When to go to the doctor
The first and most obvious pregnancy symptom is the absence of menstruation. Nevertheless, the first delay is usually ignored because many women have irregular periods on a regular basis, unless you are actively seeking pregnancy. Therefore, if you notice any of the symptoms described and also have a delay in menstruation, it is recommended that you take a pregnancy test as soon as possible.