What are antepartum classes: advantages and disadvantages of going

One of the main fears of every pregnant woman is the moment of delivery. You know you have to go through it, it's an unavoidable appointment to which you are going to go with all the illusion in the world, because you are going to meet the love of your life. However, it is a time full of uncertainties, you never know how a childbirth can go, not even when you are not a first time.

Therefore, it is very important that you attend prepartum classes, which usually taught in health centers from the second half of pregnancy. In these classes, you can learn such important things as how to control your breathing or recognize the symptoms that the time of labor is near. If you want to know more about prepartum classes, we will tell you everything below.

What are the prepartum classes

You may have a somewhat wrong idea of ​​what antepartum classes are, which makes sense considering the way they are described in the movies. Generally, a scene of couples sitting on the floor is shown, with the man holding the pregnant woman's back while doing breathing exercises. It is also widely used that image of pregnant women learning to put diapers on dolls.

But the reality is that childbirth preparation classes in the real world, at least in our country, they are far from what is seen in the movies. These classes they are much more didactic, more productive and important than it may seem. Because you are going to learn to recognize the symptoms prior to delivery, to detect if you have to go to the hospital more or less quickly, or the documentation that you have to take to the hospital, among other things that you will see below.

Control breathing

Breathing well throughout the entire process from the beginning of the contractions, until the moment of delivery when the pushing begins, is essential for both the pregnant woman and the baby. If you can't breathe well during contractions, you will cause your baby not to receive the necessary oxygen, something very dangerous for the little one. In addition, adequate breathing will help you reduce the pain of dilation and you will be able to cope much better during the hours of labor.

Baby's first care

For most new mothers, dealing with the first moments alone with the baby can be really difficult. First, because the hormonal imbalance is so important that it is normal for any situation to overcome you. Later, because the baby will cry all the time and even changing a diaper can become a job full of sweat and tears. The midwife will teach you very useful tips for these moments, for example, how to take care of the navel wound or how the baby's bath should be.

Advantages and disadvantages of going to prepartum classes

To a large extent, antepartum classes are all advantages. In addition to all the aforementioned, you will be able to meet other women with whom to share experiences. You will also learn to do exercises that help you prepare your body for the time of delivery or the care that you must have afterwards. But one of the main advantages is that You will be able to solve all the doubts that you will be having at the moment, which will surely be many.

Your midwife will be able to solve all those questions that worry you, even other future mothers will ask questions that you do not ask yourself, but that will also be of great help. As for the downsides, It is possible that receiving so much information will lead you to have more fears. You may inadvertently imagine a more complicated delivery than it probably is in reality or that you yourself create false expectations that are not met later.

On the other hand, many women want to know what it is to give birth in the first person, without having information that could cloud that unique moment. Although it can be risky, it is totally legal and therefore the decision to go to prepartum classes is yours alone. Your assistance is really recommended, even in women who have already undergone other births, so do not miss the opportunity when your midwife offers it to you.

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