7th week of pregnancy

Girl in week 7 of pregnancy

La week 7 of pregnancy coincides with week 5 of embryo development. We are still in the embryonic period, all the baby's organs are forming. You must be careful to avoid toxins and not self-medicate, this period is critical and any inappropriate drug can cause malformations in the embryo.

How is the embryo in week 7 of pregnancy

After the embryo has folded several times has a very closed C-shape. Outlines of arms and legs begin to develop. The face is in the process of development, the jaw begins to form and the eyes begin to form on the sides of the head. By the end of the week, you already have elbows!

Internal organs also follow their development processIn the heart, which began to beat in the 6th week of pregnancy, the partitions that separate the different chambers develop throughout this week and the outlines of the lung also appear. The digestive system is still just a tube that communicates what will be the mouth of the embryo with the future anus. The liver, gallbladder and pancreas are beginning their formation and what will be the definitive kidney appears.

Do you already notice the symptoms?

Week 7 of pregnancy is a bit trickyNausea or vomiting and typical gastric discomfort, such as heartburn or a constant feeling of fullness, usually appear. Try to eat a small amount more times a day, do not let more than three hours pass between one meal and another and eliminate highly seasoned, high fat or very heavy foods, try to cook on the grill, boiled, steamed or roasted in your juice. Fizzy drinks won't suit you either.

You may have need to urinate more often, Especially at night. You should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day, try, from 8 o'clock in the afternoon, to drink less amount of liquids, this will reduce the need to urinate somewhat, especially first thing in the morning.

Girl with symptoms in week 7 of pregnancy

Generally you will be more sleepy, especially during the day, although at night it may be difficult for you to sleep. It will be usual for you to sleep well the first 3 or 4 hours of the night, but then you have to get up to urinate and it is difficult for you to fall asleep again, calm down, make yourself comfortable, do relaxation exercises ...
You'll sleep more than you think, though it will seem to you that you do not sleep muchThis is because your sleep is quite superficial and you cannot reach the deep phases of sleep. Include protein with dinner and before going to sleep try to get bored for a while, do not do tasks that suppose a stimulus. A glass of warm milk before bed may help you fall asleep.

We tell you what you need to know about the controls

It is a good time for you to have the visit with the midwife. If you have not had a blood test yet, you should request it and review the last gynecological check-up and if it has been more than 2 years since the last cytology, perform one. The next thing is to make an appointment with the obstetrician.

Find out about the first trimester or early pregnancy workshops at your health center, it will be of great help and they will solve the doubts about the onset of pregnancy. And here the information about week 7 of pregnancy ends: a few days when you will notice more physical symptoms. If you liked reading us, stay tuned for the next installment of our Pregnancy Week by Week.

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