La week 5 of pregnancy coincides with the first menstrual absence. 3 weeks have passed since fertilization and the embryo begins to develop vital structures.
It is the beginning of the embryonic period. It is important that you avoid any toxic, such as alcohol or drugs and before taking any medicine consult your doctorIf you take any medication, your doctor should supervise that it is not a risk for the development of the baby.
How is the embryo
At the beginning of this week the embryo is formed, barely, by three superimposed sheets of cells that, between week 5 and 10 of pregnancy (3 and 8 of actual embryo development), will give rise to all the organs and systems of the baby's body.In the middle of this week the central nervous system begins to form, with the formation of the neural tube, for this step to develop correctly a good supply of folic acid is essential, and at the end of the week the embryo has an elongated shape that still does not resemble the shape of a human being at all. At the same time, the structures that will give rise to the placenta evolve and are achieving better support in the uterus.
When to take the pregnancy test
Once we have the first menstrual absence, a good time to perform the urine pregnancy test is after 4 or 5 days of the delay. From that moment on, this structure, which will later become the placenta, begins to secrete a significant amount of a hormone, specific to pregnancy, which is eliminated in the urine and is easily detectable with current tests.
When the test is positive it is a good time to consult with your family doctor and make an appointment with your midwife.
Symptoms of week 5 of pregnancy
You may not notice practically any symptoms at the moment, although some moms begin to notice discomfort in the chest, you may notice that it increases in size and they have a special sensitivity. But do not panic if you are one of those who do not notice much, the time will come.
You may begin to notice discomfort in the lower belly area, punctures, a feeling of fullness or that your menstruation will drop at any time. They are normal sensations, which not only should not alarm you, but also indicate that the pregnancy continues its normal development. If severe pain or bleeding appears, especially fresh blood, red in color, it is important to consult a specialist to rule out the possibility of a problem.
Why have I already gained weight?
As soon as the pregnancy test is positive, something that most women do is weigh ourselves and, horror! We already weigh between one and two kilos more than usual ... You don't have to overwhelm yourself, this weight gain is not entirely real, it is due to fluid retention, necessary to face the increase in blood volume and other changes typical of pregnancy, in fact, every month before menstruation we retain fluids and gain weight, between 500 and 2000 grams, to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy, weight that we lose in the days after menstruation.
Keep taking a pregnancy-specific vitamin complex and maintain a balanced diet, healthy life, and moderate exercise. You will lose those two kilos in the days following delivery.