Although childbirth may scare you, you are looking forward to the moment. Your belly becomes very heavy and To fall asleep at night it is quite an adventure. Again you will feel like urinating frequently because the weight of the baby compresses the bladder, the good thing is that you breathing it will improve because when the uterus goes down, the lungs and stomach are released from the pressure that was exerted on them before.
The amniotic fluid has accumulated in the lower area of the uterus, forming the famous "bag of water" that when it breaks announces baby's arrival. If you have regular, painful contractions (every 5-10 minutes) and your belly is hard, labor has definitely begun. If they are not painful and regular it will be a false alarm.
In case your water breaks, you should go immediately to the hospital, because the baby will no longer be protected in its sterile space and could be affected by an infection. If you can't feel the baby movement, or moves very little, do not hesitate to go to the hospital to check that everything is fine.
As for your baby, he should already have the proper position for delivery, with the head down, the arms crossed over the chest and the legs bent. Her skin is now smooth and the vernix that covered her has disappeared. You will continue to practice breathing, all your organs are mature enough, except the lungs. Both the latter and the skull will continue to improve after birth.
Baby's weight and height
Weight: 2 kg. 900 gr.
Size: 48 cm.
Remember that the information we give you in the weeks of pregnancy is treated in a general way, but each pregnancy and each baby develops at a different rate and you may find some small differences.
More information - Sleep well during pregnancy It is possible!
Source - Famille actuelle
Photo - baby center