32th week of pregnancy

Pregnant woman

Following with our Pregnancy Week by Week, we have already reached week 32, and little by little the time of delivery is approaching. At this stage, the baby is placed in the anterior occipital cephalic position, which is the optimal posture at birth; small percentages of babies turn back and are breech, or are anterior. It is a well-formed creature, looking very similar to what it will have when it is born, and it may already be weighing 1,8 to 2 kilos.

It is believed that at this time, babies can already generate memories, and that even being in the womb, they are able to think. Until you are 36 weeks old, the baby's respiratory system does not reach the alveolar phase, which is that of complete maturation. (and it lasts after birth), however, the bronchioles have already started to develop. Your daughter or son will measure approximately 42 centimeters, from head to toe, with variations of a few centimeters. And their nails are already reaching the tips of their fingers !, which is why many children are born need a nail trim; hair may also have started to grow.

pregnant couple

Be sure to keep scheduled appointments with the gynecologist and midwife, or attend the Childbirth Preparation classes. On the other hand, since the baby will continue to grow, and at what rate! (half a kilo per month), both your volume and your body also increase. That is why some pregnant moms say that it is difficult for them to take the position to sleep, it is normal during this third trimester. If you stay active and you feed balancedYou will feel better about yourself, and it will also be easier for you to fall asleep.

The baby won't stop moving and kicking, and in all probability you will know if it is moving the legs or the trunk, because the first ones seem to move faster. You will notice the contractions of Braxton Hicks (remember: they are not worrisome); but - although it is not usual - if your contractions are very intense and very often, you would have to go to the emergency room. Currently, preterm deliveries at 32 weeks have very high survival ratesBut the lungs are not yet mature, and babies need a lot of care. Even so, if that is the case, it is also likely that you will be given medication to stop the contractions. Especially in difficult times (if there are any, because childbirth is a physiological process) you should trust the doctors.

You may feel more tired, with discomfort in the legs, abdomen, or lower back, they are still mild disorders very typical of this stage of pregnancy. Rest if your body asks for it and don't be afraid to ask your partner, family or friends for help. There are moms who already have prepared this week bag for hospitalWithout being so careful, you can start to mentally plan what you will need. And at home you can talk about the time of birth and dad's responsibilities.

And we already leave you until week 33 of that pregnancy that continues to progress.

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