17th week of pregnancy

Week 17 of pregnancy

In "Madres Hoy» We continue on our journey throughout pregnancy. We are already in week 17 and everything is progressing in perfect condition, the fetus already looks like a real baby and we, despite ourselves, have completely lost the shape of the waist. Our appearance is completely that of a pregnant woman!

However, this is not only good, it is wonderful, especially since what we are going to perceive the most throughout these weeks are the constant movements of our son or daughter. We are undoubtedly in a very special phase of our pregnancy where great things happen. We explain it to you below.

Week 17 of pregnancy: the baby moves and gains weight

If we could see our baby, the first thing we would notice about him is his leather. In addition to soft hair, a very delicate whitish substance also appears.

Vernix caseous appears at week 17 of pregnancy, a greasy material that is intended to protect the skin of the fetus. It is more or less as if we have applied a good layer of moisturizer. Also, as we have pointed out at the beginning, his face is almost like that of a newborn. We say "almost" because her eyelids are still sealed. However, we can appreciate her eyebrows and even her eyelashes.

Next, we explain more interesting aspects.

Week 17 of pregnancy

The heart of the fetus

Your baby's heartbeat is being regulated by the brain and these, in addition to being irregular, are incredibly fast. Almost 150 beats per minute. It is a lot, but it is not something we should worry about because it is normal.

However and as we have already pointed out in our previous articles, It is more or less about the sixth week when we can already appreciate the baby's heartbeat in a ultrasound. But now, at the 17th week of pregnancy, it can be perfectly audible on a stethoscope.

More adipose tissue

The fetus weighs between 100 and 110 grams and measures just over 12 centimeters. It is very small, there is no doubt, but it is interesting to know that it is from this moment when it will begin to accumulate adipose tissue, that is, fat.

Far from being negative, it is actually something essential, because in the end and the adipose tissue cape helps us to maintain body heat and to regulate the body's metabolism. Water already makes up a third of your body.

Better senses and higher calcium needs

You will be interested to know that our child's hearing is already very developedor, so that you will hear outside sounds, especially the louder and higher ones. We cannot forget either that amniotic fluid is an excellent conductor of sound.

Moreover, bones and cartilage continue to form. At this time it is important that we do not neglect our doses of football. However, if you are lactose intolerant, remember that there are vegetables that are high in calcium and folic acid.

Position of the fetus at week 17 of pregnancy

  • In this period our baby almost always shows a semi-flexed position. The fetus has the hands at the level of the chin and the feet crossed just below the exit of the umbilical cord.
  • Although he spends long hours asleep, as we have indicated at the beginning, you will already feel his kicks, his movements constantly ...

Changes in the mother at week 17 of pregnancy

Your body is changing a lot this second half of pregnancy. So much so that you won't know if what is happening to you is normal or not. They are strange little things that do a lot, details that although not painful, are really annoying.

    • It is common for you to feel Cramps and let your legs go to sleep. The uterus continues to grow and blood circulation is sometimes impaired. Hence, you notice it with these cramps. It is normal.
    • In this week 17 of pregnancy it is also common to perceive a remarkable increase in the size of the breasts. It is something that we already expected but that without a doubt, surprises. You will notice the veins in your breasts more swollen than normal and you will be forced to buy a bra two sizes larger than yours.


  • Do not hesitate to apply suitable moisturizing creams to take care of the skin of the breasts.
  • Throughout these weeks you can also practice exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.
  • In these months we experience numerous transformations in our body. Some of these changes affect the perineum, so it is worth consulting with a professional on the subject.
  • As for the diagnostic tests, there are none preset in the 17th week of pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering here that You have the possibility of having an amniocentesis if you wish.
  • This test can be done from week 16 or 17, just when the membranes are already well attached to the uterine wall. It consists of the extraction of amniotic fluid (about 15 ml) under ultrasound control through a fine needle that is inserted into the abdomen, reaching into the uterus.

It lasts only a few minutes and helps us rule out possible genetic problems in the fetus. It is something that the family decides, and it is usually a test without too many risks for the baby.

In short, we will continue with our pregnancy in week 18.

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