Hair removal during pregnancy

waxing pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant she has all kinds of doubts and one of them has to do with waxing during pregnancy.

Each woman is different and each one can decide to wax in a different way, but all will need the same information to know if they can continue waxing so and how they are doing it now and if it is better that they do it in a different way so do not interfere with the pregnancy in any way.

Products for hair removal in pregnancy

Normally women, to ease the pain of waxing and keep the skin soft throughout pregnancy, use moisturizers and exfoliators. To avoid the appearance of pimples or ingrown hairs, it is better to use gentle exfoliants one day before waxing to avoid damaging the skin. The moisturizer can be used throughout pregnancy because although it penetrates the skin does not pose any type of risk neither for you nor for your baby. In addition, the moisturizer will help you prevent the appearance of the dreaded stretch marks of pregnancy.

When you use products to depilate or for your skin during pregnancy, you will have to take into account the chemicals that it contains in the ingredients. You must remember that everything that enters your body passes into the blood and could reach your baby through the placenta. If you have doubts about using a product, you should always consult your doctor to get rid of doubts, but do not use it without knowing because you could be harming your baby.

Depilation of the pubis

waxing pregnancy woman

When your pregnancy is quite advanced, it is difficult to shave your pubis, more than anything because it is difficult to see yourself down there. To be able to shave yourself having that belly, the easiest method is undoubtedly the blade with a mirror to be able to look good and thus facilitate waxing in pregnancy.

If you are a woman who does not like the blade, you may want to wax your pubis, but in this case I advise you to go to a beauty center because it will be more comfortable, faster and much less cumbersome.

Is it necessary to wax the pubis for childbirth?

depilation pregnancy leg

This question seems to be the million dollar question. But the reality is that it depends on you because normally in childbirth midwives remove hair, and at other times they don't eliminate it because absolutely nothing happens either. It will depend on your modesty but the doctors in the delivery room are more than used to seeing hair on women.

They usually shave because it allows them greater control over the perineum and facilitates suturing in the event of a tear or episiotomy. But if you don't want to wax, they don't have to. In the case of cesarean section, they wax the incision area.

Remove tummy hair during pregnancy?

Remove hairs on the belly during pregnancy

It is normal that you notice how the hair comes out a little more accentuated when you are pregnant. Although visits to the doctor are more frequent, it may make you feel a bit uncomfortable. It is because of that remove hair from the belly during pregnancy it has become a practice carried out by the majority. Although doctors are more than used to seeing everything, if you feel more comfortable removing them, go ahead.

There is nothing contradictory about it. If you have little hair, it is best to use the tweezers. But if you have always used the electric epilator, you can also bet on it. It is true that the only thing you will be able to notice is that your skin is a little more sensitive, something totally normal. So what did not hurt before, now you may notice much more. But of course, it won't affect your baby at all, which is really what we can think of.

Silk-epil and pregnancy

One of the fastest methods to remove hair from the belly is by passing the electric machine or Silk-epil. Although there are many women who also doubt about it, without a doubt, they will not run any type of risk.

Some mothers have commented that when they are in an advanced state they notice how their babies move along with the noise of the machine. But this does not indicate that it is something serious or much less, simply that they react to the vibration of the device. If you feel a bit uncomfortable, you can always opt for other methods.

Although as we are commenting, it will not cause any type of problem that you put this into practice type of hair removal in pregnancy. Remember to always apply a moisturizer after the razor. This will leave you with a much smoother skin and will calm the process of it.

Cold wax and pregnancy 

Because there are many of us who have established routines and sometimes changes scare us. So, if you are one of the women who has always opted for wax, this time it will not be less. But yes, cold wax is always better in pregnancy. More than anything because hot wax can cause capillaries to break.

These will give way to the appearance of an increase in the appearance of varicose veins. So, as we do not want to risk it, we will opt for the cold one. This is perfect for women who have circulation problems and more, when pregnant. In addition, when the pregnancy progresses, it is always better to go to a beauty center. A comfortable option for us, fast and quite inexpensive.

Depilate linea alba in pregnancy

Depilate linea alba in pregnancy

More or less in the fourth month of pregnancy, we will begin to notice how a spot runs through the area of ​​our belly. It starts in the pubic area and reaches a little above the navel. It is said that in more modern women, it will still be noticeable a little more. It is all the hormonal changes that cause this brand to stand out at this stage of our life.

After delivery, little by little it will return to normal and be much less noticeable until it becomes invisible. In the same way, the hair that comes out during this stage will also decrease. Even so, if you want to wax the linea alba in pregnancy, you can do it in the same way that we have commented before. After that, a good moisturizer and wear this line with great pride.

What form of hair removal in pregnancy is safest?

Many women wonder if depilatory creams are safe during pregnancy, since when absorbed into the skin it can come into contact with the blood and reach the baby through the placenta.

The reality is that depilatory creams are safe although it is possible that they irritate your skin even when you weren't pregnant, they didn't. Remember that your skin is much more sensitive during pregnancy. Chemicals in hair removal creams are not harmful, it can be compared to hair shampoo for example. What your skin can really use are the fragrances that are used in depilatory creams and they can even trigger an allergic reaction, so it is advisable that one day before waxing you put a little cream on your skin to check that you do not have any type of allergic reaction.

If depilatory creams cause irritation, you may consider other hair removal systems during pregnancy, such as tweezing, waxing or shaving, each and every one of them is totally safe.

Although these last mentioned methods can make you feel somewhat uncomfortable because there are women who slow down hair growth during pregnancy but others, on the other hand, increase them and if they wax with methods to cut the hair they can find that they grow too quickly.

Another option to wax is to use a waxing machine. that plucks hairs by the roots. They are somewhat more painful but the hair will take longer to grow. Although if you have sensitive skin it is possible that the area that you have waxed with this machine becomes too swollen.

The extra growth you experience during pregnancy may be due to hormonal changes, but this will not always be the case since everything will return to normal when the first 6 months have passed after having your baby.

waxing pregnancy center

Although if after all you choose to use depilatory creams you will have to take some things into account, for example:

  • Read the manufacturer's instructions before applying the cream.
  • Do not use the cream on wounds or on your face.
  • Use creams for sensitive skin.
  • Do a test the day before on a small area of ​​your skin before using the cream (even if you had already used the product before you got pregnant).
  • Keep the room where you are going to wax well ventilated. The strong smell of the cream may be too unpleasant, especially considering the sensitive smell that pregnant women develop.
  • Use the clock to avoid having the cream for longer than necessary. Leave on for the minimum time to avoid irritations.

Are you pregnant and have you experienced any of these questions related to waxing in pregnancy? What is the hair removal method you use? Did you have to change the method you used before you got pregnant for a different one? Waxing doesn't have to be a problem during pregnancy, far from it! You just have to remember that your skin will be more sensitive and that you will need to find the form of hair removal that makes you feel more comfortable and safe.

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      Lorena said

    Hi! It is my first pregnancy and everything is new, even these questions regarding feminine care. I am six (6) weeks old… Can I wax my pubis with hot wax? I always have but now I have doubts if this does not put my pregnancy at risk. Thanks! Greetings!

      Elsie said

    I personally love the Karmin electric epilator! =)

      jennifer said

    The best I have used is Karmin's electric epilator 🙂

      Dew said

    Hello .. I am almost 9 months old and really with the belly that I have it is impossible with wax and with the electric machine in the pubic area, that's why I shave until I can go back to the electric machine after giving birth.