Pregnancy of twins or twins

twins or twins pregnancy

Knowing that you are pregnant is a time of many emotions together, and learning that two babies are on the way is double emotion! Doubts and nerves are joined by the news that you have a twins or twins pregnancy. It is exhausting without a doubt, it is twice the work, but it also has many satisfactions. Let's look at some interesting details about twin and twin pregnancies.

How are twins different from twins?

The twins are the most common cases in double pregnancies. They are two different eggs that have been fertilized at the same time by different sperm. They will be of different sexes, and they will look just like any other brother.

The twins come from the division of the same ovum that is fertilized by a sperm that divides after fertilization, so they share 100% of their genes. They are of the same sex and they are very similar physically.

How likely are you to get pregnant with twins or twins?

The probability of having a pregnancy with twins or twins naturally is 1-2%, although the possibility of this happening depends on several factors.

  • Increased fertility techniques. Fertility techniques increase the probability of having twins or twins, since with ovarian stimulation more eggs develop to increase the chances of conception.
  • Mother's age. Science has shown that the age of the mother influences having a multiple pregnancy. After 35, the probability of having a double pregnancy increases by 4-5%.
  • Genetic heritage. If there is a family history, you also have a greater chance of having a double pregnancy.
  • Mother's race. Evidence shows that black women are more likely to have a double pregnancy.
  • Having had a previous double pregnancy. It seems that if you have already had a double pregnancy, you have a better chance of having another.
  • The weight of the mother. Having a BMI of 30 or more favors double ovulation which increases the chances of having twins.

What are the differences with a single baby pregnancy?

How we commented in the article "What is a risk pregnancy?" having a multiple pregnancy is a risk factor for pregnancy. These pregnancies do not usually go beyond week 36 so they are premature deliveries. Nowadays the techniques are very advanced and with a medical check there should be no problem. You also have to have blood pressure control to prevent pre-eclampsia.

Medical check-ups will depend on the condition of the mother and the babies, usually being monthly until week 26, then every 15 days and when the possible delivery date approaches, the visits will be weekly. If babies share the same placenta, visits will be more frequent.

Symptoms may be more noticeable and more intense, especially nausea and vomiting, you have to control your weight to avoid taking too much. Back discomfort is normal due to the extra weight that our body supports (it tends to gain between 12 and 18 kilos) and you may have to do more rest. For the rest it is like a single pregnancy.

twins or twins

How is the delivery of twins or twins?

La dilation phase is usually a little shorter than a normal delivery, but the expulsion phase will be logically longer in natural births since two babies will have to be born. Depending on your position, a cesarean section or natural delivery will be performed.

They are usually premature so it is normal that they have to spend a few days in the incubator, then an incredible adventure will begin where you will have to meet and adapt to the new reality. They give more work and it is double the expenses than one alone but it will be the double the satisfaction raising two children together. Do not be afraid, you will know how to do it. Ask for help in your environment especially for the first months so that they are not so overwhelming.

Because remember… having two children at the same time is something very special and exciting.

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