Traveling abroad pregnant

travel abroad pregnant

A few days ago I told you about 'Things to keep in mind if you go on a trip and are pregnant'And it is that now with the hot days and with the holidays just around the corner, it is normal for many people to think about where they can go to disconnect and enjoy a few days of rest. But, sometimes vacations involve traveling abroad, and in this case a pregnant woman should take some things into account.

If you want to travel abroad while pregnant there are some things you will need to keep in mind. However, There are many travel plans that you can adjust to ensure your health and safety while you are pregnant. If you don't know what to keep in mind, then read on because there are some key factors that you need to keep in mind if you want to travel abroad.

Talk to your doctor

The first thing you should do if you want to travel abroad is to talk to your doctor to find out if you need any prenatal care or any extra vaccines. Many countries require certain vaccinations and precautions and you may not be aware of this and your doctor will need to inform you. In some cases, you may even have to find another destination.

If there are ways that you can travel and that you can be safe and healthy all the time, then your doctor will not be much of a hindrance to you. But when you talk to him, you should be totally honest and specific about the dates and places where you plan to go on your trip.

Airports and ports

Often in order to organize a trip you must take planes or boats and if you are pregnant you will need extra time or even help to get to your seat or your place to travel. In the case of airports, it is usually not necessary that you have to think about anything additional to be able to travel, All you have to do is talk to a representative of the airline and if you need any help to walk or for any aspect, when you arrive they will provide you with the help you need.

travel abroad pregnant

In the case of ports or cruise ships, they have boarding priorities for pregnant women, so it is necessary that before traveling you communicate your situation. If you are traveling as a couple, you will have to be prepared in case you are temporarily separated in the case of drills, if you go with children, the children will stay by your side.

Keep in mind that if you want to take a breast pump with you, you must remove it from your luggage for security control. Normally all airports and ports in Western Europe and North America offer adequate space for women to breastfeed their children, changing diapers or for other needs related to pregnancy and child rearing. It is also necessary that you inform yourself of the conditions and priorities of the country to which you are going to travel with pregnant women.

Traveling by plane during pregnancy

If you travel abroad by plane, the trip is likely to be several hours at the most. Air travel can be harmful for some people who have blood pressure problems, heart problems or other conditions, whether chronic or temporary. Therefore, it will be your doctor who gives you the go-ahead to be able to travel by plane or not. Although the normal thing is that most pregnant women can travel in the first trimester of pregnancy without problems, it is in the last part of the pregnancy when it can be more complicated to travel by plane.

travel abroad pregnant

If you plan to travel by plane in the last stages of pregnancy, it is important to consider reserving a seat that allows you to have enough space and comfortd. As with priority boarding, it is also possible that you will be allowed to leave the plane before the other passengers, You will only have to ask the flight attendant if it is possible, you will save yourself queues, which can make you feel bad.

Remember that pregnant women of more than three months should avoid reserving seats in the exit row since the people who are seated in these seats are subject to great physical effort in an emergency, since they must help the doors to work emergency exit during evacuation.

Traveling by boat abroad pregnant

A boat trip abroad is also usually quite long, and that is why during pregnancy sea trips can present some added difficulties that you need to know. Under some special circumstances a cruise company may prevent you from booking with them in case you do not submit to certain conditions such as vaccinations. or that your pregnancy is risky or you have health problems.

Even when you're already on board, it's also important to keep a few things in mind. During pregnancy, you may get more seasick than necessary, even if you have never been seasick before. To reduce the chances of having a bad time due to seasickness, it is best to reserve an inside cabin that is located as close as possible to the center of the boat. This is the most stable place on the entire boat. Although most cruise ships usually carry supplies of medicine for motion sickness, you should check the labels before using them as they can be dangerous to your baby's health.

travel abroad pregnant

If you have mobility problems related to an advanced stage of pregnancy, you can consider the possibility of looking for a cruise that has no barriers and is accessible to everyone who also has other types of mobility problems, whether temporary or permanent.

In the case of excursions on cruise ships, you should keep in mind if they are really ideal for you or not, since the vast majority involve walking a lot, being in the heat, queuing ... it is a physical challenge that may not be convenient for you to do in your state current. Before securing a cruise, you should make sure to speak with a representative and confirm that the excursions are suitable for you.

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