Trying to conceive a child can be an exciting time. But it can be stressful when a woman is slow to get pregnant. However, the fact that month after month a child cannot be conceived does not necessarily imply that there is a fertility problem that cannot be overcome by changing a little lifestyle.
Next we will see the best natural ways to increase fertility and the chances of getting pregnant. First of all, keep in mind that you should take it easy, since stress is one of the reasons that can make it difficult for women to conceive a child.
Have a healthy weight
El overweight it can be a handicap when it comes to getting pregnant. But not having enough weight it can be even worse at conception.
Weight can affect hormonal regulation and therefore affect ovulation. Maintaining a healthy body weight can help regulate ovulation and increase the chance of conceiving.
Be careful with the type of lubrication that is used
Some couples may need lubrication for intercourse, but not all lubricants are the same. In fact, some can make conception difficult, among other reasons, because they inhibit sperm motility.
If you need lubrication, go to a specialized center and buy a lubricant that is water-based and / or specially created to facilitate fertilization.
Limit alcohol consumption
Both men and women have to be careful with alcohol consumption to improve fertility. In men, excess alcohol can decrease testosterone production, cause impotence, and contribute to a decrease in sperm. In women, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to certain ovulation disorders, negatively affecting the ability to conceive.
No Smoking
Smoking is bad for your overall health and can also affect your ability to conceive. In men, smoking can decrease sperm production, as well as their motility, and can cause damage to their DNA. In women, the ovaries can also prematurely age.
Minimize coffee consumption
Consuming 500 milligrams (about 5 cups) or more of caffeine can negatively affect fertility. Women who want to get pregnant are advised not to exceed 200 milligrams of caffeine per day.
Have healthy sperm
Most women focus on the health of their eggs, the time of ovulation, and the quality of their eggs. However, do not forget the importance of the quality of the sperm.
Quantity, movement, and structure are important components of sperm health. In fact, there are a few things that can be done and avoided to keep sperm healthy.
To maintain healthy sperm, men must maintain a healthy body weight, eat a healthy diet, prevent sexually transmitted diseases, keep stress under control, and exercise.
Additionally, men should avoid smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and avoid toxins such as pesticides and chemicals. It is also advisable to wear loose underwear, spend less time sitting, avoid heat sources such as saunas, hot tubs, and not have laptops and mobile phones placed near the scrotum.
Prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Act quickly. avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease (ETS) to protect not only general health, but also fertility. In particular, gonorrhea and chlamydia cause fertility problems in both men and women.
Having sex
It may seem like a no-brainer, but it is necessary to have vaginal intercourse during all the fertile days of the woman, not only during the key days of ovulation, but also up to three days later, even a couple of days before.
Having sex all these days will increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Do not exercise excessively
Although exercise is good for your overall health, When it comes to conceiving, vigorous exercise can do more harm than good. Excessive and vigorous exercise can lead to fertility problems due to suppression of ovulation and the hormone progesterone.
Beware of toxins
Everything around us can have toxins or be toxic. Exposure to potentially toxic products can promote both male and phenemine infertility. We are all exposed to pesticides, lead, and organic solvents. Some jobs can expose more than others to poisons, such as industrial or agricultural jobs, or those related to chemicals.
Very good advice