Tips to relieve the main discomforts of pregnancy

relieve pregnancy discomfort

Pregnancy is a wonderful time full of magic and discoveries. Every ultrasound, every change in our body we live with great enthusiasm and joy. But let's face it, the pregnancy it also brings discomfort. Some women are lucky and only notice them in the last months of pregnancy but then there are other women who experience it with a lot of discomfort throughout their pregnancy. Each woman and each body is unique. That is why we want to propose you some tips to alleviate the main discomforts of pregnancy and make this stage much more positive.

Not every pregnancy is lived the same. The same woman can live completely differently in each of her pregnancies. But still there are annoyances that are quite common in almost all future mothers. With a few simple tips we can alleviate them, in addition to following medical advice.

What are the most common complaints during pregnancy?

The most common complaints during pregnancy are nausea and vomiting, heartburn and reflux, leg cramps, constipation and hemorrhoids, insomnia and back pain.

This does not mean that there are only these discomforts but they are the most common so it is normal if you suffer from them. But there are also other annoyances such as excessive tiredness and drowsiness, varicose veins, blemishes on the face, emotional changes, anxiety, swollen legs, stretch marks, stuffy nose, urinary incontinence and breast pain that you can also suffer. Here we will focus on the former as they are the most common. You shouldn't worry if you have them, though If you feel anything out of the ordinary, consult your doctor.

pregnancy discomfort

Tips to relieve the main discomforts of pregnancy

  • Nausea and vomiting. They are quite common especially during the first 3 months gestation and usually appear very early, even before knowing the pregnancy. They usually occur in the early hours of the morning, but could also last throughout the day. It is recommended to eat several small meals during the day instead of having few and large ones. Avoid fried and seasoningsTaking chamomiles in the morning can relieve nausea. If you vomit, drink water in small sips to avoid dehydration.
  • Burning, heartburn, and reflux. It is a burning sensation in the stomach that is felt after eating. It is caused by hormones and changes that occur in our body. It is also recommended to do frequent small meals to make digestion lighter. Do not go to bed after dinner and do not take antacids without first consulting with your doctor.
  • Constipation and hemorrhoids. The hormones cause the intestinal rhythm to slow down, and the uterus will put more and more pressure on the intestines. It is recommended eat fiber, drink plenty of water, and walk. If constipation is complicated, hemorrhoids arrive, so it is better to prevent them.
  • Leg cramps. An unpleasant pain that is felt in the legs especially during the second and third month of pregnancy due to weight, fatigue, pressure of the uterus and loss of partner or potassium. It is recommended not standing for a long time or with your legs crossed and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Walk every day, drink a lot of water, do exercises to stretch your legs. A hot bath or massage soothes and relaxes the legs.
  • Back pain. In the article "How to relieve sciatica pain during pregnancy" I was talking about the pain in the lower back during pregnancy. There are also other pain such as low back pain that can be suffered during pregnancy. It is recommended to do exercise such as prenatal yoga, swimming, or aqua gym to work the back and abdomen. A sedentary lifestyle often makes pain worse.
  • Insomnia. As the belly grows, sleeping problems increase. The most comfortable sleeping position is usually on your side, with the leg on that same side stretched out and the upper leg flexed on a pillow. Keep trying until you find the most comfortable position for you.

Because remember… there are things that are out of our control, but others we can do things to improve or prevent them from happening.

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