If you are in full postpartum recovery or are about to give birth and you are already thinking about how you will manage to recover, do not miss these tips. The first and most important thing is that you must be aware that you should not force your body under any circumstances. Your body has undergone major transformations throughout all these weeks and you cannot and should not expect to recover in record time.
Forcing your body can have very negative consequences, therefore, allow your body to rebuild itself at its own pace, while you enjoy your new status as a mother. Little by little you will feel better and you will be able to start your postpartum recovery. However, before starting any physical activity or diet, you should consult with your doctor to ensure that your physical recovery is optimal.
Where to start postpartum recovery
As in any other circumstance, this recovery must be done gradually and with all possible precautions. It's not just about losing weight, it's about strengthen muscles, regain skin elasticity after distension due to pregnancy or strengthening the pelvic floor, among other cares. But in no case should you make extraordinary efforts, since any excess can seriously damage your physical health.
If throughout your pregnancy you have eaten a healthy, varied and balanced diet as recommended by specialists, you will have acquired good habits that you can follow during postpartum recovery. Especially if you opt for breastfeeding, you should not do any strict diet that influences the nutrients that your child takes through breast milk.
In addition, with those extreme diets with which you lose weight quickly, you run the risk of suffering the so-called yo-yo effect, that is, in a short time you recover everything you lost and an amount of extra additive. Therefore, avoid weight loss diets and opt for a healthy, varied and balanced diet.
Hydrating your body from the inside is essential, not only for the skin to regain its elasticity, but so that your body can function properly and milk production is appropriate. Make sure you drink at least two liters of water a day, in addition to other foods rich in water that will help you stay well hydrated. Fruits and vegetables are your great allies to recover in a healthy way.
On the other hand, do not forget to hydrate your body from the outside, applying specific skin creams that help you regain elasticity and avoid injuries such as stretch marks. In the event that you are breastfeeding or plan to do so, it is very important that the products you use specify that they are appropriate. Many of these products contain inappropriate ingredients, such as caffeine and therefore you should not use them.
Physical activity for postpartum recovery
Before starting to exercise, you should allow a few weeks for your body to fully recover from the inside. Do not limit yourself to the strict time that the quarantine marks, that is, each body is different as is each pregnancy and each childbirth. Some women will pass the quarantine and find themselves perfect, but many others will need some more time to feel well.
After that time, you should request a review with your midwife or gynecologist to verify that your physical recovery is appropriate and give you free rein to exercise. The most appropriate for postpartum recovery are those called low impact. Sports such as yoga, Pilates or swimming are the most appropriate in this case. If you like to run, it is important that you take into account some tips before starting.
Do not demand more, or compare yourself
We often see celebrities on television who the day after giving birth are already perfect, toned and completely recovered. Do not compare yourself with them, or with any other woman you know and make you think that this is easy. Take your time, enjoy your motherhood and your baby, sleep all you can every time your baby does it. This is a unique moment, which you should fully enjoy without thinking about other less important things.