Throughout the entire pregnancy, it is a series of visits to the doctor is essential, specialists, ultrasounds and various tests to check that everything is developing correctly. Although this may seem somewhat tedious, it is necessary to be able to detect possible problems in time. In the same way, after delivery It is necessary to follow up both the newborn and the new mother.
A lot of women they forget themselves once they are mothers, the care of a newborn seems to never end. For this reason, it is normal for the new mother to neglect her health a little, and although it is understandable by the situation, it is very unhealthy. Many problems can occur after childbirth, no matter how normal it has been, for this reason, it is essential to carry out different check-ups after delivery.
Medical visits to be made after delivery
The first medical check-up that you should perform after giving birth will occur a few days after delivery. If this has been by cesarean section, the review will be carried out by the gynecologist and it is usually between 7 and 10 days later. In the case of a vaginal delivery, it is normal for your midwife to perform a check-up about 6 weeks after delivery.
In this first appointment with the doctor, the specialist checks the state of the perineum, if an episiotomy has been performed, the recovery is checked, and if hemorrhoids have appeared, what is the state of them. What's more, the doctor performs an examination of the breasts, will check and feel the abdomen to check that the uterus has contracted. He will also perform a vaginal examination to check the size of the uterus.
In addition to physical checks, the specialist may order a blood test. In this way, it is intended to avoid possible cases of anemia. If everything is correct, an analysis is generally carried out once the breastfeeding period is over. They may also order a urinalysis, as postpartum infections are often quite common.
After the physical examination, the doctor will resolve any doubts that may have arisen regarding breastfeeding. In addition, he will comment with you and your partner the best and most appropriate contraceptive methods in your case. He will even ask you some questions to check that your mood is correct. It is very common to suffer sadness after childbirth and even depression, so doctors will always be alert.
Other important medical visits
It is very important to carry out this medical visit, since it is the only way to check that you are physically recovering well. However, this should not be the only checkup after giving birth. Other types of problems can appear after childbirth, and they are as important as physical ones, so it is essential to go to the doctor to be able to control them.
In the first place, the aforementioned postpartum depression suffered by many women and that in many cases is not addressed in time due to the woman's difficulty in discussing this issue. You should know that it is something that happens very frequently and that it has a lot to do with hormonal imbalance. But You should not let it pass if it happensIt is essential that you discuss it with your doctor as soon as possible to be able to solve it without major consequences.
On the other hand, it is normal for a woman's body to undergo significant changes during pregnancy. Many women wish recover your figure quickly and get back to normal. If this is your case, it is essential that you go to a nutritionist specialized in maternity. In no case, should you go on a diet on your own, much less if you are feeding your baby through breastfeeding.
Visit your doctor whenever you need it
Many women carry out that first check-up after giving birth and never have a medical follow-up again. Although in many cases it is not necessary, since the recovery is correct, the truth is that after a while there may be some complications. Make an appointment with your gynecologist, to ensure your good physical recovery.
And do not hesitate to go to the medical consultation whenever you have doubts regarding the Breastfeeding, establish satisfactory breastfeeding it is not easy and many women drop out too soon. Your doctor can give you some advice and promote breastfeeding with your baby, do not give up early.