Amniocentesis, what does this prenatal test consist of?


Each pregnancy is different in all cases, because each woman's body is different and because each person has different circumstances. For this reason, there are different tests that are carried out throughout the entire gestation period. So that the correct development of the baby can be controlled at all times. Some of these tests are common to all pregnant women, however there are other prenatal tests that are only performed in some specific cases.

One of these diagnostic tests that are performed in certain cases is amniocentesis. This common test is done to, detect possible abnormalities in the fetus during the first weeks of its development. Amniocentesis does not fall within the general tests that all pregnant women generally undergo. There are some characteristics and risk factors that mark the need for this test.

What is amniocentesis?

Amniocentesis it is an invasive test that is performed during the first weeks of pregnancy. Once the first trimester is over and with it, the main danger of involuntary interruption of pregnancy. It is done around week 15 or 16 of pregnancy, that is, starting the second trimester. The process is often quite scary for women who have to undergo it, but there are now ways to make it less annoying.

The process is as follows, first an ultrasound is performed to determine the exact position of the placenta and the fetus. Afterwards, a local anesthetic is applied to the area so that the introduction of the needle is the least bothersome within the possibilities. By last, a puncture is made in the abdomen and a long, thin needle capable of penetrating the amniotic sac is inserted.

Once the necessary sample is obtained, the puncture site is covered and the woman can go home. From this moment, it is essential that you rest for 48 hours following. Rest is essential to help reestablish the incision made in the amniotic sac and prevent it from breaking.

What is amnioncentesis for?

Pregnant at the doctor's office

The sample obtained through amniocentesis is analyzed to detect possible genetic abnormalities such as síndrome de Down. But in addition, there are other possibilities in which the doctor may consider it necessary to perform the test, for example:

  • To check for a malformation or to examine the maturity of the lungs of the fetus
  • To determine if there are metabolic pathologies, which may affect the development of the baby
  • In the event that the doctor observes the possibility that there are infections
  • When there are risk factors for genetic abnormalities
  • It is also used to determine the Rh factor of the baby and thus check, if there is Rh incompatibility with Mother

However, the main goal of amniocentesis is detection of genetic abnormalities, that is, Down syndrome. In all other cases, the test will only be performed as long as the benefits to the baby outweigh the risks.

Factors riesgo

Amniocentesis is performed on pregnant women that meet some of the risk factors, such as age, but also in the following cases:

  • If the results obtained in the malformation screening test, they are abnormal
  • In the event that any of thethe parents have any abnormality genetics
  • Background of malformations like spina bifida in previous pregnancies

Benefits and risks of amniocentesis

Pregnant belly

Like all invasive tests, in amniocentesis there are some risks that the specialist will inform you of previously. If you have to have this diagnostic test, you may be scared both by the test itself and by the possible results. Many women refuse to take the test, because they know that they want to continue their pregnancy in either case.

And that is something worthy of admiration in which no one, other than parents, has the right to comment. But you should know that, although the results show something that you did not expect, knowing the situation will help you overcome it. And adapt to it so that when your baby is born, you are fully prepared to take care of it.

Regarding the risks, the main one is that it may happen that the amniotic sac suffers a fissure. To avoid this, it is very important that you follow the aforementioned 48-hour rest. However, your doctor will inform you correctly of everything and before performing the test, you will have to sign your consent yourself. So don't hesitate to ask anything that concerns you.

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