The time to hold your baby in your arms is getting closer and closer, after such a long wait. The belly already weighs a lot, the discomfort is increasing and the desire to see his face increases by the minute. Parents are looking forward to the day when they will be one of the family. Let's review which are the 3 phases of labor that make this reunion possible.
Phases of labor
Here we are going to talk about one of the phases of a natural birth. Until the time comes it will not be known if it will be a natural birth or by cesarean section, but the more information we have about it, the calmer we will be as the moment approaches. It is normal to feel nervous, especially for new mothers, but be calm. Your body is ready for this moment.
Dilation phase
In this phase, the first symptoms of labor begin: contractions. Is the longest stage of labor, it can last hours or even days. In turn, this phase is divided into several stages:
Early or latent stage
At this stage, the cervix begins to dilate due to the effect of contractions, normally up to 3 centimeters. Effacement of the cervix begins, which is necessary for it to disappear to let the baby pass. There are mothers who experience strong contractions at this stage, while there are women who do not experience any contractions or who feel them but do not dilate. The normal thing is to be in this stage between 6 and 10 hours for new mothers to be able to dilate up to 3 centimeters, but it can vary a lot. For mothers who have already had children, this process is usually faster.
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Active stage
The cervix is dilated to the 4 or 7 centimeters. At this stage the woman already takes a more active role in childbirth. The contractions are getting stronger, constant and intense, every 3-5 minutes. At this stage is when the epidural is administered if you require it.
Transition phase.
Dilation of the cervix reaches up to 8 or 10 centimeters, which can last according to the woman between 20 minutes and 2 hours. They may make you want to push but it is not convenient to do so until your doctor tells you to. The moment is getting closer and closer.
Expulsive phase
The dilation reached 10 centimeters, the cervix is completely obliterated and the doctor gave the order to push. The moment has arrived. With each push, the baby's head and shoulders are already passing through the birth canal to go outside. The contractions are becoming more painful and longer, although more widely spaced. Depending on many variables, this phase may take more or less.
Once the baby's head and shoulders come out, the most difficult part of labor will be over.
Delivery phase
Your baby is here! Once the baby is out the placenta is delivered which is attached to the wall of the uterus through painless contractions. This process can take between 15 minutes and an hour. If it is not removed by itself, it will have to be removed by the doctor. After checking that everything is fine. If there has been a tear or episiotomy, the stitches will be given and the area will be cleaned and disinfected. This completes the birthing process.
During the following hours the new mother will be in surveillance to check that everything is going well. If there have been no problems during the delivery, your baby will be in your arms at last. After the sweet wait you can now enjoy the new member of the family and give him all the love you have in store for him or her.
Because remember ... every birth is different, no matter how many experiences they tell you, try to go with your mind empty of expectations.