Deciding to expand the family is always an important step in the life of a couple, but it is not always easy. Many factors come together in the act of becoming pregnant, some of them uncontrollable for both, so conception often takes longer than expected.
Although there are always some women who are very lucky to get pregnant very quickly, it is not the most common. Nevertheless, there are certain healthy lifestyle habits that can help increase fertility and, consequently, the chances of pregnancy in the near future. Remember that it is a matter of couple, so both must contribute.
One recommendation is that once the decision to move forward and start a family is made, a visit to the gynecologist is made to confirm that the mother's health status is optimal and there are therefore no risk factors that could endanger the pregnancy. . Moreover, it is really useful take into account the ovulation period and the fertile days in each monthly cycle. These are the days of the month when a woman is most likely to become pregnant and they usually occur 14 days after the first day of menstruation. The fertile days they vary according to each woman, being opportune to learn to calculate when they take place.
In case of having a more irregular menstrual cycle, this calculation becomes more complicated, and it is advisable to have sex more often throughout the month. A pattern that differs in women with regular cycles. According to several studies, the ideal is to maintain relations between two and three times a week, since a daily practice can deteriorate the quality of the sperm. A statement that is not shared by all specialists, who consider that it is possible to have relationships on a daily basis without this being harmful at all. It is also important to be patient and keep trying whenever you can.
Those women who have previously taken the contraceptive pill may need to wait a few months until their hormonal cycles have been reestablished and the body is fully prepared. For a faster conception, diet is a factor that must be paid special attention. The diet must be healthy and balanced, avoiding ultra-processed foods and highlighting foods with vitamins and minerals that help the body. One of them is the B9 or folic acid, essential to avoid malformations in the baby during pregnancy, and that can be found in many foods.
To a healthy diet, we must also add the abandonment of bad habits such as alcohol and tobacco immediately until the baby is born, as it can cause long-term damage. Weight is another factor that directly influences the possibility of becoming pregnant, so it is convenient stay fit and try to reach your ideal weight so that this process is easier and does not pose any problem during pregnancy. On the other hand, some people recommend hiring health insurance, such as Seguros Bilbao, that they have various personal care treatments that help to relax and avoid the stress of this stage.