Tardyferon and pregnancy

Supplements during pregnancy: tardyferon

Generally, during pregnancy it is necessary to take some vitamin supplements, that complement the new nutritional needs that the state of pregnancy requires. The most common are those that include folic acid, iodine and iron, all of them nutrients that play a fundamental role in the development of the baby. The latter, iron, undergoes an important change during pregnancy so many women need external help to meet the needs.

Through food it is possible to obtain a large part of the iron and the rest of the necessary nutrients, although in many cases it is not enough. For this reason, in the tests that are carried out throughout the pregnancy, the iron level in the blood is closely monitored to avoid possible cases of iron deficiency anemia. Something that could cause serious problems not only during pregnancy, but also at the time of delivery.

The risks of anemia in pregnancy

Blood test to pregnant

During pregnancy, the blood volume increases by 40% in most cases, it is even possible to reach 80%. This is because the woman's body, in addition to having to perform its usual functions it must create a placenta And as if that were not enough, during the first weeks the baby will be supplied with the mother's blood to distribute the oxygen through all its tissues.

A deficiency of iron in the blood can cause anemia in pregnant women, which depending on the severity can cause various problems in the fetus such as:

  • Un premature birth
  • Low birth weight baby
  • Spontaneous abortion
  • Death of the fetus during the gestation period

As you can see, the consequences of an iron deficiency in the body can be very serious. Therefore, it is essential that you go regularly to your pregnancy check-ups with your doctor. In this way, this situation can be prevented and in the event that anemia appears, put the remedies before the consequences are irreversible.

Iron supplement in pregnancy: Tardyferon

Tardyferon is a medicine that is used to increase blood iron levels in deficiency states. It is a "long-acting" iron compound according to the package leaflet and can be taken in most cases during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is very important that before taking any medication such as tardyferon or a supplement, even natural, check with your doctor to make sure it's completely harmless for you, according to your conditions.

If you have to take this iron supplement, it is very important that you have some dietary precautions, since there are many foods that prevent the body from properly absorbing some nutrients, such as iron. When you go to take the tardyferon, you can do it with water or with a little fruit juice preferably natural and citrus fruits, since they favor the absorption of iron.

Diet: a natural source of iron and essential nutrients

Healthy food

Other foods like milk, eggs, coffee or dairy products act in the opposite way so you should avoid its consumption in the two hours before taking the medicine. Under no circumstances should you mix this or any other medicine with wine or any other alcoholic beverage.

And remember, with a varied, balanced and healthy diet, you can get a great deal of the nutrients you need to stay healthy and your pregnancy to progress properly. Make sure you eat all kinds of foods, without forgetting fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates or animal fats and proteins. The latter is the best source of iron that you can find naturally.

Since, although you can obtain vegetable iron in vegetables, greens and other products, iron from an animal source is better absorbed by the body. Take care of your diet during this special period, in this way you will ensure that you provide your baby with all the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy within you.

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