Symptoms and treatment for flea bites

Flea bites

The fleas They are bugs that can be contracted by people and can be very annoying. When we receive bites from this insect, it produces a quite uncomfortable and heavy reaction, since they usually bite in chains and with small bumps accompanied by extreme itching and stinging. We will analyze to distinguish what these types of bites are like and what the symptoms and treatment are.

these little insects they are very small, some specimens have the size of a pinhead and they are dark brown. They do not fly, but they jump, thanks to their powerful hind legs they will do so, reaching up to 20 cm high, so it will be very easy for them to reach their prey.

What are the symptoms of flea bites like?

Mosquito and bedbug bites are often confused with flea bites. To do this, we are going to specify how to distinguish them:

  • Their bites They usually manifest themselves in groups or online. The same flea can bite many times at the same time and in the same region, generally in the area of ​​the feet, ankles and legs. They are usually the places closest to the surface of the ground, but they also occur on the belly or forearms.
  • The shape of the bite is characteristic, since as soon as it occurs it usually has a central red dot. Later, they can turn into small blisters, which if rubbed will end up turning into wounds.


  • The itch of the bite appears as soon as it occurs, something that does not happen with many of the common bites. In other bites we don't realize we have it until we scratch it.
  • Another feature that differentiates them is by leaving traces of blood on clothes, since that is what they feed on.
  • Produce a lot of itching and stinging, It is something that also distinguishes them. You have to be careful with intermittent scratching, since many of them They end up getting infected.

What treatment can we follow for flea bites?

It is not necessary to use any antihistamine to disinfect or cure them. It will be enough to do a wash with soap and water.  Can also be applied cold to reduce inflammation. For example, when there are multiple bites, it is best to take off your clothes and take a shower. These clothes must immediately go to the washing machine and wash them with hot water, so that the fleas are dispersed.

Si Do you know the area where it happened, the best is isolate it and do not enter again until it is disinfected, since they will continually continue biting. It is important to apply a calamine lotion to soothe the area, since we reiterate the importance of not scratching, because they cause small wounds that easily become infected.

In case that the bites become multiple and invasive, You can go to a doctor or pediatrician so that he or she can administer oral or corticosteroid treatment. This treatment guarantees the appearance of bacterial infections and will relieve symptoms.


How do I quickly eliminate a flea?

Generally, these types of bites tend to appear when you have been in contact with a pet or in areas with nature. If you suspect that it was a pet, you must do a cleaning treatment and apply a collar or pipette so that the animal is disinfected.

Immediately clean all the clothes that have been worn. If you think it happened during the night, wash the bed sheets. It usually happens that even taking all these precautions, the flea or fleas continue to bite, that is because they have settled in some corner of the house.

If you suspect any room or living room of the house, buy a special spray to eradicate them. Act quickly. pour the insecticide into every corner of the room and close it for a minimum of 12 hours.

flea free house
Related article:
Tips for keeping your home flea-free

If the flea may be in the carpet, you can spread the insecticide all over the carpet, roll it up, and then wrap it in large bags. It has to remain at rest for up to 12 hours. Many times, we wash all types of clothes, clean and scrub and it does not turn out to be a specific measure to eradicate this insect. The best way is go to insecticides and follow this series of tips, how to isolate rooms for 12 hours.

flea bites They are tedious because of the magnitude they represent, However, in most cases it does not cause anything serious or cause illness. It is important to thoroughly disinfect clothing, areas and, above all, treat any bites left on the body.

These bites They become very annoying due to their swelling and intense itching, so they must be cleaned well and applied calamine to calm the area. All that remains is to do an analysis of why they occur and find the area where it can be housed to comply with the necessary disinfection measures.

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