Two pink lines can change a person's life in a second. There is a before and after of a home test and an internal revolution that appears when a woman discovers that she is carrying a child in her womb. The calendar becomes an inseparable companion in stages of pregnancy: everything you need to know it accumulates at an incredible speed in memory, with the intention of retaining as much information as possible.
This is because it is a new world that we are beginning to travel, a path that we walked for the first time, full of special moments, with a body that changes from month to month, week to week. Know her evolution of pregnancy it is important to many women. There are others who, on the other hand, choose a certain naturalness when it comes to going through this moment of life. For the former, information is of utmost importance.
Stages of pregnancy, trimester by trimester
It is curious but of all pregnancy stagesYou should know that the first three months are crucial. The first trimester is the one where nothing seems to happen. No one realizes the pregnancy, the belly has not peeked out, and many couples even choose to keep the news a secret. However, a revolution happens inside.
Once the egg is fertilized, the body begins to adapt to the new state with immediate speed. Hormonal changes appear in the form of symptoms, sometimes stronger and sometimes very subtle. Nausea, rejection of certain aromas, disgust, sleepiness or insomnia may appear. There are women who do not experience symptoms while others notice the condition immediately due to these alterations.
Is one of the pregnancy stages stronger, because the body is adapting to the new situation. Blood increases, hormones multiply and leave signs through these ailments that do not pose any concern. It is important to maintain a good diet and hydration and to respect medical check-ups and the first ultrasounds.
Of the different stages of pregnancy, what you should know is that during these three months the baby is formed in terms of its structure. Since in the following trimesters the baby will already be formed, with all its respective organs, and it only remains to grow and finish developing.
Second trimester, a golden stage of pregnancy
For many women, the second trimester is one of the most idyllic stages of pregnancy. It is common that in this period, future mothers feel full and happy, leaving behind the discomforts of the first trimester. Although the hormone orchestra continues to sing its melodies, the body is more stabilized and regulated, which results in a feeling of general well-being.
In many couples, sexuality is fully experienced in this stage of pregnancy And it is common to hear that women feel energetic, something that begins to decline in the next stage of pregnancy. As for the baby, a more subtle but very important development appears: the baby's eyes move, the baby's sex becomes more evident, the hair pattern appears, the nails appear, the fingerprints of the feet are formed, etc. . The fetus also begins to hear and suck the finger.
Third trimester, the last stage of pregnancy
In the final stretch, the third quarter arrives. Of the pregnancy stages more hostile perhaps, due to the weight and the new symptoms that are beginning to be distinguished. The baby is already a considerable size and squeezes the ribs and belly. Heartburn is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms, as well as circulation problems.
The baby kicks and stretches, already begins to have hair, detects the light and begins to practice breathing. And it grows and grows in an accelerated way, about 200 grams per week. It is one of the pregnancy stages more difficult in terms of body movement as well as a stage of anxiety where everything is ready for life to change.