Meconium is a substance that the baby will expel in the first hours of its birth. This substance has been forming throughout its gestation in its digestive system and where it was not part of its diet. But for some reason there are babies who expel this substance before birth and that is why we evaluate what kind of sequels does a newborn have who swallows meconium before delivery.
This substance if expelled before birth occurscan create a risk situation. There are many setbacks that can lead to the newborn being able to reach suffer some type of sequel if it is not visualized and treat this situation in time.
What is meconium?
As we have already explained the release of meconium it must be produced outside of gestation and not inside. When it happens outside it is because there is some kind of setback and more so when the delivery is taking place. Usually the expulsion of meconium originates when there is a symptom of fetal distress. It will generally be caused by the contractions of the mother's uterus, since they make it difficult for her to breathe and the lack of oxygen.
Premature passage of meconium can also occur when there is some last minute complication. Either the baby is breech, the umbilical cord is coiled, or any event that occurs that alters the protocol. If the meconium is expelled into the belly and is detected, delivery it must be provoked urgently and by caesarean section, as it cannot be sucked in by the baby.
Sequelae of the newborn who swallows meconium
When the baby feels suffocation and fetal distress, unconsciously aspirate the amniotic fluid. At this time if it contains meconium it can reach this takeover ends in a minor hiccup or in meconium aspiration syndrome through your airways and digestive system.
Its ingestion can cause the baby a respiratory distress. The baby's respiratory system can lead to a setback that must be examined in depth. Depending on what you have aspired to and how long you have been inside it, you have to make an evaluation.
Even the gastric tract may become affected and this will cause your digestive system to maintain a setback and imbalance. The baby will have a hard time tolerating breast milk or formula, and in these cases she can vomit it up. If the baby aspirated a lot of meconium, it will be practiced a stomach pump and wait a few days for your appetite to begin to return.
Meconium aspiration is usually not very serious when no more than 48 hours have elapsed. However, it is an issue that does not pass by and surveillance is often extreme. The baby can suffer from irritation of the respiratory tract and damage the lung tissue. In addition, the meconium can impair that the surfactant acts inside your body, since it is a substance that helps open the lungs after birth.
After birth, the baby must be resuscitated and clear the respiratory and gastric passages. In some cases, the intake of antibiotics is necessary. A series of tests will be carried out where it will be necessary to focus on the respiratory tract and where it does not occur a heart problem or pneumonia.
In 12 percent of deliveries the baby has passed meconium and it cannot be aspirated. Only very few reach the most serious case where the Meconium aspiration syndrome (SAM), although its effect will depend on the quantity, consistency and even the time it has remained.
If the problem has been serious, the baby must remain in intensive care, since you will have difficulty breathing for several days. In other cases, aspiration pneumonia, brain damage due to lack of oxygen, pulmonary hypertension, and in others, the death of the baby may occur. From the birth of the boy or girl with this type of mishap there will always be in their charge a child doctor who will take care of you.