Scheduled cesarean section: what you need to know

What you should know about scheduled cesarean section

I remember when I had my first child some years ago. Everything was going smoothly even though after 40 weeks of pregnancy, my obstetrician suggested an induction. A natural delivery was imminent, although it ended in a last-minute cesarean section since, due to the size, my child's head was not going well through my pelvis. With my second son we went straight to a scheduled cesarean, in order to avoid unnecessary risks.

If that's your case, I'll tell you everything you should know about scheduled cesarean section, in order to get to the big day knowing the details of this type of childbirth.

When to schedule a cesarean

Scheduled cesarean section

Nowadays, most obstetricians want the birth to be natural because although a cesarean section is just a routine intervention, It does not stop being an operation with the possible risks.

However, this is relative since there are many circumstances that warrant a planned cesarean section and it is there that the doctor will consider this type of delivery as the safest option, both for the baby and for the mother.

There are many reasons why a planned cesarean section is chosen:

  • Many doctors consider that if a woman has had previous cesarean sections, this type of delivery is safer than a natural one, especially if it has not been more than a year between one delivery and another. This is due to the risk of uterine rupture that could occur.
  • Another thing you should know about scheduled cesarean section is that it will be necessary in case of having had a vertical uterine cut in a previous cesarean section. Although today this type of incision is rare, there are women who have it, which also means a increased risk of uterine rupture during childbirth.
  • The scheduled caesarean sections they are also the option of choice for deliveries of more than one baby. Although in pregnancies of two babies, it is possible perform a natural childbirth, several factors will have to be taken into account. among them the position of the babies and the gestational age. However, if there are more than two babies, a scheduled cesarean section is the chosen option.
  • In cases of women with previous caesarean sections with horizontal cut, the decision will depend on an agreement between the doctor and the patient. There are times when a vaginal delivery will be attempted and other times a scheduled cesarean section is recommended, especially considering the distance between delivery and delivery and the size of the baby.
  • Those women who have had previous uterine surgeries not linked to pregnancy are also candidates for scheduled cesarean section for prevent the uterus from rupturing.

Other reasons

Scheduled cesarean delivery

The Large babies can make a vaginal delivery difficult. Also taking into account the mother's build, the obstetrician may recommend a cesarean section. The same if the baby is in a transverse or breech position.

  • In the cases of HIV positive pregnant women a cesarean section is also scheduled.
  • Scheduling a cesarean section is the card of choice for doctors in the case of pregnant women with diabetes.
  • Babies with abnormalities or diseases detected during pregnancy Many times they can run more risks in a natural birth and that is why in these cases a scheduled cesarean section is also used.
  • Doctors choose a planned cesarean section for pregnant women with large fibroids or obstructions as these problems could make vaginal delivery difficult.
  • The same occurs in the cases of pregnancies with placenta previa, when the woman is very close to the due date.

The times of the scheduled cesarean section

The Scheduled cesarean sections are always performed before your due date, that is, before the 40th week to ensure that natural labor will not be triggered first.

While some obstetricians consider that week 38 it is the ideal moment for the intervention, you should know that in cases of scheduled cesarean section, the ideal is to wait until week 39. In this way, the process of growth and maturation of the fetus is accompanied as much as possible. For this reason, more and more doctors wait - controlled by - up to a week before to perform the cesarean section.

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