You have taken the test, because you already had suspicions and bingo, you are pregnant! The truth is that after the initial joy, now an endless number of doubts arise and the first is to go to the doctor to know that everything is fine. Well, that's where the relationship with the midwife during pregnancy.
Yes, because sometimes we go to the family doctor and he will send us an analysis but then he will refer us to the midwife. So, you can always make an appointment on your own with the latter. It will be the person who carries your pregnancy, will give a series of guidelines and you will begin to form the pregnant woman's health book, which is where numerous details that you should know are noted.
First appointment with the midwife: She will take all your data
The first appointment with the midwife is usually the longest. Because will take all your data to be able to write them down in the pregnancy book. From your background, or that of your partner, to your age, illnesses, habits and much more. She will also do an approximate study of dates so that every month you have a new appointment with her.
In addition to the history also will weigh you and measure your blood pressure. They will give you a sheet with all the upcoming appointments you will have and what approximate week of pregnancy. In each of them you should always bring a urine sample that will be analyzed with strips right there to see if everything is in order. In this first appointment, he will ask you for your analytics for this first quarter. In addition, it will explain to you what you can eat, what you cannot, will tell you about healthier habits to be able to have a better pregnancy.
Second appointment with the midwife: 16 weeks
Although she has surely called you to give you the result of the first analysis and that you will have had the first ultrasound, the second appointment with the midwife comes at 16 weeks. You will talk about that first echo, she will ask you about new symptoms and of course, also It will measure your tension as well as control your weight. The truth is that it is usually a faster appointment than the previous one.
Third appointment with the midwife: 20 weeks
Another month has passed and you will have to go to the control again. In this case it is to make an appointment for the second trimester tests. Although you already know that the pregnant woman's health book will be filled out again. You can listen to your baby's heartbeat and it will also be noted in the book.
Fourth appointment with the midwife: 25 weeks
In this case, the appointment varies slightly because they will give you the birth plan. Some documents with all the detailed information about what you will experience in the area where you are going to give birth. In addition, it has some final pages in which you have to fill out what your birth plan would be Perfect, if you want an epidural, have your partner accompany you, etc. In addition, information will also be provided on the whooping cough vaccine and the results of the second trimester analysis.
Fifth appointment with the midwife: the whooping cough vaccine
In addition to continuing to fill out the book and writing down your blood pressure and weight, which will be included in each of the appointments, in this case you will receive the whooping cough vaccine. It will be around week 30. It is time to also start maternal education classes and the third trimester analysis will be processed, as well as the epidural consultation.
Quotes from the last few weeks
You will come back in week 36 to have the Streptococcus culture done. Then, at week 38 she will give you the result of said culture and you will visit her once a week until you go into labor. What you will do is monitor your heartbeat, your urine, and write down important data. This is the relationship with the midwife during pregnancy!