During the first trimester of pregnancy the woman undergoes infinity of changes. Among them, they can become changes to improve pregnancy and in some of these moments they can become annoying or even complicated. pubalgia in pregnancy It is one of these cases where the woman will need a little support and where we detail below what it consists of and what its symptoms are.
Pubalgia is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women. It is a sharp pain that occurs in the pubic area and where it can be experienced in the first trimester or much more influencing its final stretch, when the baby has already gained weight.
What is pubalgia in pregnancy?
Pubalgia is a pain felt by pregnant women in the pubic symphysis area or what comes to be described as in the pubic area. It is a discomfort that usually affects much more in the last three months of pregnancy and is not something casual. It affects 20% of women and even 5% suffer from severe pain that disables their normal life.
Many of the most common effects are found in your day-to-day activity. They get to experience that great discomfort in the pubic area, in the groin and a great overload in the back. It will be difficult for them to climb stairs, move when they are lying down or even when they are going to walk. This pain can radiate to the muscles of the thighs becoming worse at night.
What are the reasons for pubalgia
baby growth It will be the main reason for this discomfort. The fetus is taking size inside the mother's uterus and all the organs have to find a new position. The belly will also grow and the pelvic area will be the most affected.
The mother also has to adopt new postures, where the body will have to adapt to the baby's body, skeleton and muscles they have to endure something new that grows without stopping. The pelvic area is the most affected by this overload.
During pregnancy, the mother's body secretes the hormone relaxin, whose function is to relax the muscle area and ligaments. This happens because when the moment of delivery arrives, the pelvis has to adopt a relaxed moment to be able to deform and facilitate the expulsion.
Therefore, having this relaxed area will not make it much easier to cope with the baby's weight. Some mothers tend to suffer from sciatica and even pain in the lower back.
Pain Relief Tips
- Throughout the pregnancy it is advisable control pregnancy weight, having extra kilos can worsen this discomfort.
- You have to try take plenty of breaks when standing, if you work a lot in this posture, you will have to look for other functions to reduce that time.
- Lifting weight is not good, either make unnecessary efforts. When you have to climb stairs you have to try avoid putting weight on the area of pain, for this you have to use the railing.
- At bedtime you can place a cushion between the legs so that the posture relaxes a lot. In this way the pelvis is aligned and more rested.
- Can be hired the services of a physical therapist so that it can relieve tension in the abductor muscles and in the rectus abdominis (the ones that join the pubic area).
- There are pelvic belts to contract the area and help bear the weight. The joints will be more compressed and when the movement is formalized, it will relieve a lot of pain. Pregnancy girdles do not help in this case, but they also work to relieve certain pains.
Any of these remedies can help alleviate any of this ailment. Keep in mind that pregnancy is something punctual, a small stage, and therefore we encourage having to combine it with a lot of patience.