Prenatal Stimulation: Techniques

Little girl listens to her sister's kicks in her mother's womb.

When the baby kicks, you can respond by touching that area so that he feels the presence of the relative.

It is possible, despite detractors, to improve the neural connections of the fetus. After different techniques or prenatal stimuli, the baby's development can be favored at a motor, visual or tactile level. There are different ways to communicate with the fetus, let's see how.

Why the use of prenatal stimulation techniques?

The main reason to use these techniques before the baby is born is promote your health, feel you and verify that you are well. It is important for the mother to participate so that her son feels protected and the bond between them is forged. Feeling loved before birth will give the baby more confidence and increase his self-esteem. The set of prenatal stimulation techniques can help the psychic, sensory and social development of the fetus. This type of stimulation is very beneficial for the baby and continues to help him after his birth.

The following can be evidenced benefits after using prenatal stimulation techniques:

  • Dream More organized.
  • More optimal rest.
  • Greater attention span.
  • Greater capacity for calm and relaxation hearing sounds or voices heard while in the mother's womb.
  • Increased development in visual, auditory, motor, linguistic, neurological and intellectual areas.
  • Greater security and independence.
  • Increased self-esteem and self-concept.
  • Better maternal and paternal-child relationships.

Classification of prenatal stimulation techniques

Pregnant friends meeting and exchanging views on prenatal stimulation techniques.

By performing prenatal stimulation techniques, the baby's contact and connection with his parents are greater and will help him in the future.

  • Tactile-type techniques: Caress the mother's belly, massage herself with creams or oils ..., conveys emotions. There is an increase between the feeling and union of mother and child. The massages, tickles reach through the amniotic fluid to the nerve connections of the baby. Thanks to the response generated by the brain, the baby moves. When the baby kicks, you can respond by touching that area, his foot or hand, so that he feels the presence of the mother or another relative. The tactile techniques are effective after the 6th week of pregnancy.
  • Visual techniques: The practice of illuminating a pregnant woman's belly with a flashlight is known. The fetus perceives both artificial and solar light. If it bothers you, you can move away or follow her. These techniques can be performed from the fourth month of pregnancy. Sunbathe with the belly discovered helps the fetus to intuit how it will go abroad. You can also begin to differentiate what the light is from your current dimly lit environment.
  • Engine-type techniques: The baby can intuit movement with exercises for a sport such as swimming, prenatal yoga or Pilates. You can also understand that your mother moves with postures that she carries out during the day and with convenient breathing. The baby manages to measure his balance, perceives and distinguishes the movement of his mother. With the dance or soft movements of his mother the baby senses the same thing. These types of techniques can be carried out after the 10th week of pregnancy.
  • Auditory techniques: It is after the 14th week when the baby hears the voice of whoever communicates with him. Whoever speaks to you will make you associate the voice with someone you love and in the future it will continue to do so. Talk, sing and play music (with or without headphones) on the tummy, helps stimulation, intellect and relaxation. It is common that after the baby is born he calms down with the same melodies with which he did in the womb. The baby will also hear daily noises from the street and other environments.

Connection with the baby and tranquility of the mother

It is from the second month of pregnancy when the practice of these prenatal stimulation techniques should be followed in a more usual way. Performing these exercises the contact and the connection of the baby with his parents are older. Not only will they favor different areas of your development but they will help you in the future.

Acting like this with the baby brings more security and confidence in the mother. The mother feels that she is closer to her child and that it favors his health. Feeling you calm your anxiety at certain times. It is revealing to remember the glucose test. Both this test and the recommendation, after ultrasound, to take a candy activate the baby. Taking something sweet can be done in a specific way but it is not advisable to repeat it often.

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