Swimming is one of those sports that we consider complete and that it has numerous benefits, physical and psychological, on us. And even more so if we are pregnant. We have already commented on other occasions the importance of practicing sports during the months of pregnancy. Our body has to prepare for maximum effort, such as childbirth, and swimming is one of the best options.
The recommendation of the doctors is that we begin to swimming from week 14 of being pregnant, 3 times per week. If you already practiced it before, the ideal is not to have left it, and to adjust the rhythm.
Why choose swimming if I am pregnant?
Any non-impact sport will do you good during pregnancy. It will prepare your body for the moment of childbirth, it will relieve emotional tensions, which on the other hand are inevitable, and it will avoid being overweight. But in addition, swimming has a series of advantages and benefits, be practiced in the water, that other sports will not give you.
During pregnancy, sport is beneficial, but not fatigue, which is contraindicated. Recovery times are longer and an excessive accumulation of lactic acid will be harmful to the child. That is why we recommend swimming, because according to the Archimedes' principle, hydrostatic pressure and hydrodynamic resistance in the water you can move without fatigue. It is about strengthening the muscles that will undergo the greatest changes.
La buoyancy and weightlessness They will favor the freedom of movement of the pregnant woman. You will be able to adopt uncomfortable postures and almost impossible to perform on dry land. Another advantage is that the spine and joints are distended and they do not support as much weight as out of the water. Finally, the water pressure reduces the risk of injury to both mother and baby.
More benefits of swimming in pregnant women
Thanks to the hydrodynamic resistance, when pregnant women swim, blood circulation is activated, which together with the massage effect of the water helps prevent varicose veins, ankle swelling, cramps and guarantees better oxygenation. In addition, the respiratory system works at a greater intensity, which increases the cardiorespiratory endurance, that will be so necessary during labor.
With swimming the most overloaded areas relax during pregnancy. Swimming in a horizontal position distributes the weight of the body better without overloading a particular area. In pregnant women, especially after 7 months, waist pain is very common.
When choosing a pool to practice swimming, choose one in which you feel comfortable, and we tell you the same with the swimsuit. There is nothing worse than an uncomfortable swimsuit for sports. If you go to a public swimming pool, we recommend choosing the times with less influx to avoid uncomfortable collisions. And if you have the opportunity, and the luck, to practice on the beach, much better, the salt water will help your float.
Is there a more beneficial style than another for pregnant women?
There is no one style of swimming, specifically more beneficial than another for pregnant women. The one that you feel most comfortable with. The experts only they rule out swimming butterfly. In the last months of pregnancy, you yourself will realize that swimming on your back will be more pleasant.
La braza It is recommended when you practice it with good breathing and doing the movements well. One of the advantages of the breaststroke is that allows to work all areas, spine, legs, pelvis, arms, and can be run in a smooth and controlled manner. This is also the most recommended swimming style if you have spinal problems.
El crawl it is also very beneficial from a cardiorespiratory point of view, But practicing it well implies correct coordination, and if you don't do it, it will be very tiring. Remember that all these physical benefits of swimming also promote a more positive psychological attitude.