Frequent doubts about the pregnancy test

Frequent doubts about the pregnancy test

Just a few days de delay you already have the famous question «Will i be pregnant«. The first way we turn to in these situations is a home pregnancy test (predictor), but there are many doubts about it. Let's clear them up!

  • What is a pregnancy test?

It is a test in the form of a stick or rod that will determine if you are pregnant or not through the urine, based on whether or not there is a presence HGC hormone in it (this hormone is also known as «the pregnancy hormone«). The pregnancy test has antibodies that react to this hormone which will appear only in pregnant women.

El level de HGC reaches a high point in the weeks 7-12 of pregnancy, then descends and remains uniform throughout the pregnancy. Three weeks after delivery disappears

  • When should I take the pregnancy test?

It is recommended that you take the test for the morning, just when you get up, since the urine will be more concentrated. It is important that you read the form of employment, because not all tests are the same.

  • Could you give me a false positive?

Un false positive would be impossible, since antibodies react only when there is hormone and this hormone only appears in the pregnancy. However, it can be a false negative if you took the test too early or if it was expired.

If you have taken a test and you are still insecure, try to do another three days later.

  • A blood test is it more reliable?

Not that it's more reliable, but it gives you more information and it can be ensured that there is pregnancy or not much earlier, because the hormone passes through the blood before being eliminated in the urine. It will also help you to know how long are you pregnant, although today there are pregnancy test that also indicate it to you.

  • Take a pregnancy test right after unprotected sexWill you tell me if there is a pregnancy?

No, it cannot be known immediately. You should wait about a week for the Ovum reach to uterus and embryo is implanted, then it will be when the HGC hormonealthough the level will not be high enough to be easily detected.

That is why it is always advisable to wait at least 14 days after the first delay for the menstruation.

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