Tips and ideas for breakfast in pregnancy

Breakfast during pregnancy

El breakfast is the most important meal of the day, more in a woman pregnant… Try to find the balance between your cravings and what you need both you and him baby.

El ideal breakfast It should be made up of the following:

  • A dairy product
  • Something to drink like juice, milk ...
  • Cereals
  • A piece of fruit or a good fruit smoothie to take at noon

From this scheme you can vary the breakfasts according to your needs. A lots of nutritionists They advise taking the typical toast with butter and jam. Although there is always an attempt to accuse the pan as one of the main sources of weight gainIs a healthy and balanced food that can be taken quietly even during the pregnancy.

To make this whole breakfast task easier for you, I am going to give you some ideas that you can prepare. To avoid monotony you can also make light desserts that contain fruit (an apple crumble, for example).

In any case, listen to your body. If you don't feel able to eat everything, even if it's not enough, don't force yourself. At noon you can have something light or eat better at the next meal. Let's go with those breakfast "menu" ideas!

Remember: the caffeine it is not recommended during pregnancy. If you ever have a glass of coffee or tea at breakfast (with milk, of course), don't drink more all day.

Classic breakfast

  • Milk with cocoa
  • At least 2 slices of bread with butter or jam

For the middle day

  • A glass of fruit juice (natural).

Quick breakfast

  • Coffee or tea
  • Cereal cookies (there are them with chocolate, fruit, with muesli ... The one you like the most)
  • A fruit yogurt

For the middle day

  • 2 peaches or 1 apple

Gourmet breakfast

  • Coffee or tea
  • A piece of cake / cake / sponge cake

For the middle day

  • 2 naranjas

Special breakfast

  • Cereals with milk (preferably with pieces of fruit, either fresh or dried)
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice

For the middle day

  • An apple or some white cheese

And you, what breakfast have you chosen?

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