Many women suffer from hemorrhoids after giving birth, although being such a sensitive and personal subject, few are those who comment on it naturally. Hemorrhoids are a very common disorder, not only after giving birth, but towards the third trimester of pregnancy they usually make an appearance. This is as a consequence of various factors such as constipation or the pressure suffered by the pelvic area due to the pregnancy itself.
Hemorrhoids are not an exclusive disease of pregnancy, since many people suffer from them and the only difference is that in this case they are caused by pregnancy. But the discomforts are the same and therefore, so is the treatment and the remedies you can use to prevent them.
Postpartum hemorrhoids
Many women suffer from hemorrhoids as a result of childbirth. This is caused by the enormous effort made by the mother at the moment of pushing. All lThe area suffers a lot and especially the anal area and with it, the annoying hemorrhoids can appear.
If you have never had hemorrhoids, you may not be able to recognize the symptoms and therefore, do not associate your discomfort with this problem. These are some of the symptoms of postpartum hemorrhoids:
- If you notice itching in the anal area, burning, discomfort when sitting or trouble relieving yourself.
- It costs you more to relieve yourself because the area is irritated and causes pain. Also, after doing so it will hurt or burn more than usual.
- You notice the presence of small blood particles on the paper after cleaning.
- If when you touch the zone notes a small lump about the size of a pea.
How to avoid postpartum hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids appear as a consequence of various factors and as we have already seen, constipation is one of the main reasons. Because, although there is no way to prevent annoying hemorrhoids from appearing, it is possible to prevent them through some good habits. Here are some tips you can follow to prevent the dreaded postpartum hemorrhoids.
- Avoid constipation with a good diet. This is one of the fundamental points, since constipation will cause the extra effort when going to the bathroom and is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Include foods rich in fiber in your dietsuch as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables.
- Take a lot of water. Hydration is essential, on the other hand, liquids help your body to perform their functions correctly. Try to drink 2 liters of water a day, you can also drink infusions o natural juices.
- Physical activity. It is essential that you do physical exercise within your possibilities, walk every day at least 1 hour It will help you in many ways, also to avoid hemorrhoids.
- Demand not spending too much time in the same posture. In this way you will avoid circulation problems, and in addition to preventing constipation you can avoid other discomforts such as swelling in the legs.
Some Home Remedies to Relieve Hemorrhoid Discomfort
If despite taking all the precautions you end up suffering from annoying hemorrhoids, there are some very effective and safe home remedies for your pregnancy that you can follow.
- Apply cold to the area. But avoid placing the source of the cold directly on your skin or you could hurt yourself. You can soak a gauze in cold water or ice, wrap it in a clean cloth and apply in this way on the area to be treated. This remedy will immediately relieve the burning caused by hemorrhoids.
- Take what's known as sitz baths. This consists of simply applying warm water to the area for a few minutes, in this way, blood flow is favored and inflammation is reduced. You can use a basin, the bidet or the bathtub. You can even add bath salts with anti-inflammatory properties to aid in the treatment.
In the event that hemorrhoids cause severe pain or bleeding, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps the case is too acute and it is necessary to use a drug to alleviate the discomfort. The doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate drug in your case, so as not to harm your baby in any case.