The ovules play a fundamental role in the fertility of the woman, since without them, reproduction would not be possible. The ovaries are responsible for producing eggs from puberty, when menstruation begins. Since then, approximately every 28 days an egg is released that from that moment on, she remains fertile for the next 24 hours, while she is in the fallopian tubes.
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm while it is in its fertile period, this becomes a zygote, thus leading to pregnancy. That is, the ovules are the origin of life, the cells produced by the female reproductive system so that throughout the reproductive age of women (as in the rest of mammals), it is possible that the pregnancy and thus the beginning of a new life.
What are the eggs like?
Like many other cells in the human body, the ovules are spherical in shape and are of the largest cells. The ovum is covered by two very important membranes, the first, which is the one that covers the ovum itself, is the so-called yolk membrane. This membrane contains glycoproteins, which are responsible for joining the sex cells. In turn, it is covered by another membrane, formed in this case by follicular cells.
These membranes that cover the ovum itself are essential for fertilization to occur. In turn, they protect the interior of the ovum, which contains the nucleus, which is loaded with the woman's genetic information. The ovules or oocytes, develop in the female body from the fetal stageTherefore, at birth, a woman already has around 300.000 oocytes in her body.
Of all of them, only between 300 and 400 will finish forming as an ovule throughout the woman's reproductive stage, through each monthly ovulation. The rest will be expelled through the different ovulations that will take place over time, from the first menstruation until the arrival of menopause, at which time the woman is no longer fertile.
Fertility problems
There are several problems in ovules that are usually caused by hormonal imbalances, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. The quality of the eggs also declines with age. Although it is possible for an egg to be fertilized at a mature age, the likelihood of pregnancy complications is greatly increased.
So that, after age 41, the chance of getting pregnant is lower. In addition, the risk of having a miscarriage or having the fetus have chromosomal abnormalities rises up to 80 percent. Therefore, although it is possible to have a normal pregnancy in mature age, the truth is that the risk is greater and it is essential that the medical follow-up is even more demanding, since it would be considered a high-risk pregnancy.
Take care of your fertility
People in general, and women in particular, tend to think that life is long and that there is time for everything. The end of youth is never seen closely, and this can sometimes greatly complicate future plans. Having a child is something that should be meditated upon, that should be done from the knowledge and the responsibility that comes with bringing new life to this world.
This implies aspects as important as the health of the future baby and the woman's own health. Although today people's health is not the same as it was decades ago and there are means to control pregnancy from the first moment, the human body itself has its rules. Science advances and there are more and more methods of achieving a pregnancy in practically impossible cases, but before getting to this, take care of your fertility throughout your life.