You just heard the happy news that you are going to be a mom. The decision of something so responsible is based on the idea of sharing it safely with your partner, but perhaps that beautiful news has to be quickly communicated to all your loved ones. If within these loved ones are grandparents, always there are original ways to say that you are pregnant.
This event will mark a before and after, because It is a moment that you will not forget in life. You want to give this news to your loved ones as parents and in-laws, yes, as quickly as possible, without waiting and verbally. But if you keep calm you can find original ways to say that you are pregnant to future grandparents.
Original ways to tell grandparents that you are pregnant
There are tons of ideas and fun ways to announce a pregnancy. Perhaps the most traditional way of delivering this news is taking advantage of a family event, but you can even mix that moment with some surprising way.
Photography is the most illustrative way of delivering beautiful news
You can take pictures with your partner, holding in your hands the predictor with the two significant lines, or if until now you knew the news and you already have a photo of an ultrasound, together posing next to it.
Within the world of photography, you can also represent the beautiful news with representative elements. You can use safety pins in a fun way, mommy and daddy's cups with a bottle next to them, or capturing the whole family with the representation of little shoes from all together.
With a surprise box
Surprise boxes are very fashionable. They are boxes designed for special moments and how they come with a lot of bags and nooks, we can put ideas and surprises to give that beautiful news. They can put photos and among them make the ultrasound find, or put some small object that symbolizes a pregnancy, like the predictor.
Pets can be accomplices
It's another fun way to deliver this good news. You can invite your loved ones to a meal or snack and make your pet appear with that little sign around his neck, announcing the expected moment. Sending a photo with your puppy or kitten next to your ultrasound is another way to add a simple mystery that they have to decipher.
Along with your shopping list
Schedule an afternoon of shopping with future grandparents. Although it is not usual to make a shopping list, that day you can improvise. Come up with a series of components where you can add elements for the future baby. They will be surprised to find out why these ingredients are on your list.
Make a gift with baby clothes
You can present your news by making an unexpected gift, you can send bodysuits and bibs that can be personalized with a small message. Within that message you can put phrases such as: "You have been promoted to grandparents" with a representative drawing of a baby.
Invite them to a surprise meal
If you like pastries, you can come up with a vintage cake where you can not miss a detail made with fondant or with a representative ornament on top of the cake. You can get hold of some booties, the shape of a bib or a pacifier, any element is perfect.
Design a family tree
If you like the art of crafts, you can recreate a family tree on poster board. You will represent every detail with photos of all family members and just below the future dads a hole with a sample of a drawing of an upcoming baby. This detail as a gift is also very original.