Oral health during pregnancy. What care should you have?

Teeth and pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body undergoes numerous changes that can affect the health of your mouth. When you are pregnant, blood flow increases, which makes you more prone to bleeding gums or gingivitis. In addition, it is common for some women to suffer from nausea or vomiting and to make changes in their diet due to this discomfort or the famous cravings.

All this causes your oral health to be affected and you are more prone to certain oral problems. Therefore, it is essential that you have good oral hygiene, a balanced diet and that visit your dentist frequently.

What oral problems can arise during pregnancy?

Oral care in pregnancy

  • Gingivitis. It is due to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. Its symptoms include swollen, red, and bleeding gums easily. Good oral hygiene that prevents plaque build-up is essential to prevent gingivitis. You should also try to maintain a balanced diet with less sugar and more healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, nuts, etc.
  • Periodontitis Untreated gingivitis can turn into a more serious problem. Periodontitis is characterized by inflammation and infection of the bones that hold the teeth, which can cause them to loosen. Several studies have found a relationship between this pathology and an increased risk of preterm birth and low-birth-weight babies.
  • Cavities. During pregnancy, your mouth tends to have more acid, so tooth enamel is more likely to be damaged causing cavities.
  • Tooth loss If you have severe gum disease or poorly cared for cavities, you can lose teeth.
  • Pyogenic granuloma. It is a type of tummy that forms on the gum, usually between the teeth. It bleeds very easily and sometimes it has to be removed with surgery, but it usually goes away on its own after delivery.
  • Cold sores. They are very painful whitish sores that appear because the immune system is weakened during pregnancy. They usually last between 7 and 10 days, some even longer. To treat them you can use a rinse of chlorhexidine or with hyaluronic acid.
  • Xerostomia or dry mouth. It is a temporary problem that usually disappears at the end of the pregnancy. To alleviate it, you can drink a lot of water or eat sugar-free gum to help you salivate. If it is a more severe xerostomia, your dentist may recommend the use of specific products such as pastes, mouthwashes or moisturizing gels.

Steps to keep your mouth healthy during pregnancy

Pregnancy and oral health

  • Maintain proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal with a soft bristle brush to avoid irritating your gums. Don't forget to clean your gums and tongue well. Complete cleaning with dental floss or dental floss to remove any debris that may have been between the teeth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly to check that your mouth is in good condition or to detect any problems as soon as possible.
  • Have a healthy and balanced diet avoiding sugars as much as possible. A good diet not only affects your health but also that of your baby. A diet rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins A and D is essential for the formation of bones and teeth.
  • If you vomit, rinse your mouth with water to remove excess acid.

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