Nerves in pregnancy: how to control them

nerves in pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormones are in full swing and mood swings are very common. They also get together with the nerves that everything goes well, and the new responsibility that is to come. This can lead to our nerves being on the surface. And since everything that happens to us affects our baby, it is important to talk about nerves in pregnancy and how to control them.

Pregnancy: an exciting and intense time

Pregnancy is a wonderful stage, where our body is shaping a life. Illusions, fears, changes ... they come together in these special moments. Sometimes our thoughts, chores, fears and doubts can create a rush of stress that is not very favorable for our state.

Our nerves affect pregnancy, and can cause premature birth and the complications that this entails. This is due to the high amount of cortisol that we release with stress, which can also cause low birth weight and other complications in childbirth. Everything that happens to us during pregnancy will affect our baby and its development.

That is why it is important that we learn tips and tricks for our emotions and physical condition to be the best possible. Achieving balance is possible. We just have to know how. Let's see how we can control the nerves in pregnancy.

How to control nerves in pregnancy

  • Identify what your source of stress is. We have to learn to identify the source and also the symptoms of our nerves. It is the way to help you lower your stress levels, and put a solution. Not all of us experience situations in the same way, so for you your job, your fears about pregnancy, your relationship, your family ... you will have to find out. what exactly is causing those nerves.
  • Talk about what happens to you. Talking about our worries is a therapeutic way to reduce them. Talk to someone you trust about what is happening to you. It does not replace the work of a professional but social and family support is important to feel safe. Go to a professional to give you the necessary tools to calm your anxiety and stress more effectively.

control nerves pregnancy

  • For the fears of pregnancy, find out what you need. Many times we are afraid of the unknown, of what we do not know. Knowing what steps will come and why will give you a sense of security and control. Ask your doctor all your doubts so that you are more calm about it. Do not enter pregnant forums, because not only will they not solve your doubts but you will see other delicate cases and you can worry much more.
  • Take time for yourself. Take advantage of this time available to you and do things that you like. Go for a walk, take bubble baths, read, meet friends, go to the movies ... those things that give you pleasure. It is the best way to keep stress at bay and disconnect from your worries.
  • Do relaxation exercises. Yoga for pregnant women brings a lot of tranquility and serenity, or you can also do breathing exercises or meditation. You will relax your mind and body and you will feel much better. Do not miss the article "Meditation for beginners".
  • Disconnect from your work. When you walk out the door of your work, leave your worries behind. You can't do anything else for today, tomorrow will be another day. If you don't disconnect, your stress levels won't go down. You must be aware of your limits and not force yourself, and less in your state.
  • Sleep 8 hours a day. Rest is important during pregnancy. Our body is forming a new life and it needs us to rest. Try to sleep your eight hours and also eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Why remember ... pregnancy is a wonderful time but full of doubts and nerves. With these tips you can take it as best as possible.

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