Are vaginal exams necessary during pregnancy and delivery?

vaginal exams during pregnancy

If you are or have been pregnant, you probably already know what a vaginal examination is. For those of you who don't know yet, it is proof that Its main objective is to know the status of the cervix. This examination is carried out by specialists (midwives or gynecologists), and must be carried out delicately and above all, with the prior consent of the woman. It consists of inserting the index and middle fingers into the woman's vagina until reaching the entrance to the uterus. A "long" and uncomfortable journey.

Vaginal exams are becoming part of routine examinations from week 36-37 of pregnancy; something totally unnecessary as long as the baby and the mother are well. In addition, too many vaginal examinations are done per "protocol" during labor; Every hour or so they check if the dilation is progressing and if the baby's head is properly fitted. There are some cases in which the touches are justified, but in many others they should be avoided due to the possible risks they entail. 

Justified vaginal exams

On some occasions during pregnancy the woman may experience high intensity contractions before week 37. The doctor, in addition to monitoring the mother and the baby, may want to explode the cervix to rule out that it is dilating prematurely.

During the delivery, a drop in heart rate in the baby, heavy vaginal bleeding or some other suspicion that something is not working properly, may require a vaginal examination. In these cases, and it always depends on the situation, performing a touch may be more than justified; although the last word you will always have as a woman.

However, WHO recommends do not do more than one vaginal examination every 4 hours and always avoid them as far as possible due to the possible complications that something so "simple" but invasive can entail.

vaginal infections on the touches

Dangers of vaginal exams

The main risk of performing a vaginal examination is possibility of contracting an infection. Although they are performed in a hygienic way, with sterile gloves and others, the probability that opportunistic bacteria colonize delicate areas is high, since by inserting the fingers into the birth canal we are helping them to move towards the entrance of the uterus.

Unjustified vaginal exams are totally out of place during pregnancy. In addition to the risk of infection, there is the possibility that, by performing this maneuver, the cervix may become "confused" and begins to dilate from the pressure received at the touch. Or the opposite happens; that due to stress produced in the mother, the spontaneous onset labor is delayed. A woman who has irregular contractions and is clearly not in labor should not undergo this type of examination.

The protocols are not above the personal decision of any woman. If you do not want any vaginal examination, you are fully entitled. The delivery is yours.

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