Nausea and dizziness are, together with the absence of menstruation, one of the first symptoms of pregnancy for many women, although not all experience them with the same intensity. Some do not feel them at all, others feel only slight dizziness, and others vomit several times a day. They usually appear in the morning, but can occur at any time of the day.It is estimated that around 80% of pregnant women experience dizziness and approximately 50% vomit. Normally, these symptoms occur during the first trimester of pregnancy, disappearing from the second trimester, but some women suffer them throughout the pregnancy. In the most serious cases, we speak of hyperemesis gravidarum and medical follow-up is necessary.
Why do we get nausea and dizziness during pregnancy?
The origin of dizziness and nausea during pregnancy is not entirely clear. Various studies and specialists agree that they are due to a combination of several factors, including hormonal ones. From the beginning of pregnancy increase levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone secreted first by the embryo and later by the placenta. It is believed that HCG, in addition to helping to maintain pregnancy, acts on the nausea center in the hypothalamus. Its levels peak around eight weeks of pregnancy and, from then on, begin to decrease, along with nausea.
Are they harmful to the baby?
Moderate nausea and vomiting need not affect your baby's health. Even if you are eating little or losing weight, don't worry, nature is wise and your baby will grow by extracting the essential substances from your body. In most cases, in a short time the nausea disappears and you will be able to eat normally again and begin to gain weight.
Tricks to control nausea and dizziness during pregnancy.
- Pleasure frequent and small meals. Ideally, you should eat a minimum of five light meals a day.
- Avoid very fatty, spicy or spicy foods to facilitate digestions.
- Try to have on the nightstand some Cracker or other dry food to take it before you get up.
- Stay hydrated, try drink throughout the day in small sips and not during meals. Excess fluid increases the urge to vomit.
- Do not lie down immediately after eating. Try to do the digestions sitting or semi-sitting.
- Eat slowly and chew food well. In this way your digestions will be less heavy.
- Rest and relax all you can. Stress and exhaustion contribute to making you feel worse.
- Avoid foods with strong odors.Ventilate the house frequently to avoid stagnant odors.
- El ginger can help you fight nausea. You can take it in the form of cookies, infusions or pills, after consulting your midwife or doctor.
- Increase your contributions of Zinc and vitamin B6, since they help to control the dizziness and vomiting of the pregnancy. You can find them in bananas, whole grains, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dairy.
- Try one acupressure band. It is a bracelet that stimulates the point just below the wrist. You can also massage that point yourself when you feel nauseous.
When should you see the doctor?
Although nausea and vomiting normally during pregnancy do not matter beyond the discomfort they cause, you should consult your doctor if:
- You vomit excessively or cannot hold anything down in your stomach.
- You lose excess weight.
- Vomiting persists beyond the second trimester of pregnancy.
- You vomit blood.
- You feel frequent and / or excessive dizziness.
- You have symptoms of dehydration.
- You feel fever, headache, abdominal pain or any other symptom that worries you.
Now that you know the causes and remedies for nausea and dizziness, it will surely make you much more bearable. However, if these tricks don't work for you and you feel really bad, you can always consult with your doctor or gynecologist so that he prescribes you some medicine that allows you to feel better and start enjoying your pregnancy