Pregnancy involves a series of great physical changes, to which there is no choice but to get used to. In some cases, it is possible to mitigate the typical annoyances, as is the case of the heartburn. During the gestation period, digestions become slower. And, although this is good for your baby since all the nutrients in the food you eat are better used, for you it is uncomfortable.
Due, your intestinal transit will also be slowed down and you may have bouts of constipation. The annoying and dreaded hemorrhoids can also appear, which affect many women during pregnancy or as a result of childbirth. And of course, the well-known heartburn, a very common annoyance that affects most women during pregnancy.
Improving the general state of digestive problems is possible with some tricks and home remedies. Although the main thing is that take care of your diet and do physical activity frequently. This will help you improve both your digestion and your intestinal transit. You can also try these home remedies to improve heartburn discomfort.
Home remedies to relieve heartburn
Home remedies, herbs, and other foods can help ease the discomfort of heartburn. In case the discomfort is very acute and prevents you from eating normally or resting, you should consult with the doctor who follows your pregnancy to assess the options. Depending on your condition, they could recommend a medication, but it is essential that do not take anything without being prescribed by the specialist.
If your heartburn, although annoying is bearable, you can try with these natural remedies.
Lemon infusion
Despite being acidic, lemon helps reduce heartburn. To prepare this infusion is very simple, you just have to wash 3 lemons very well and remove all the skin, being careful not to take any of the white part. Prepare a saucepan with a liter of water and bring it to a boil, when it is boiling, add the skin of the lemons. Remove the heat from the saucepan, cover it and let it rest for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Once this time has passed, remove the lemon peel and strain it into a glass container. You can sweeten the lemon infusion with honey, agave syrup or sugar if you prefer and you can take it hot or cold.
Chamomile infusion
Chamomile is one of the best known natural remedies to improve digestion. But this is not its only benefit, chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, analgesic, helps regulate sleep and improves all kinds of digestive problems, in addition to heartburn.
You can acquire chamomile infusion already prepared in comfortable envelopes, but if you prepare it yourself you will obtain greater benefits. You just have to buy the chamomile plant in a herbalist or in natural stores and prepare an infusion in the traditional way.
A glass of warm milk will help you improve stomach acidity, so it is highly recommended to take it before bed to promote rest. But it is important that you drink the milk before the discomfort is very acute, otherwise, the properties of the milk will not be effective. You can too take a sip of very cold milk when you notice that they start discomfort, as milk is a powerful natural antacid and will help relieve symptoms quickly.
Drink water while eating
Drinking a lot of water during meals is very effective in improving acidity, since water dilutes the acidity of gastric juices. Try to take small sips of water during meals, you do not need to drink more, but the water that you drink normally, divide it into small doses while you eat.
The boiled or roasted potato
The potato helps to improve stomach acidity, as long as you take it boiled or roasted. French fries, on the other hand, give more acidity so you should avoid taking it like that. In no case should you take raw potato, as it can be toxic.